ceccacci |
Nadia |
Ceccacci |
Senior Instructor II of Italian |
ceccacci@uoregon.edu |
Italian |
106A Friendly Hall |
Tuesdays: 10:30-12:20, zoom meetings |
541-346-0952 |
dahab |
Nadia |
Dahab |
Pro Tem Instructor |
dahab@uoregon.edu |
Law |
Knight Law Center |
nadiac |
Nadia |
Clement |
PhD Student |
General Linguistics Program |
nadiac@uoregon.edu |
Linguistics |
264 Straub Hall |
nkatul |
Nadia |
Sampson |
Senior Research Assistant II |
nkatul@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, Education Research and Outreach |
135M Lokey Education Bldg |
541-346-2478 |
nloan |
Nadia |
Loan |
Instructor |
In Memoriam 1968 - 2017 |
Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies |
nsingh |
Nadia |
Singh |
Professor |
nsingh@uoregon.edu |
Biology |
313 Pacific Hall |
541-346-9308 |
nvikulin |
Nadia |
Vikulina |
Graduate Employee |
nvikulin@uoregon.edu |
175 PLC |
541-346-5053 |
nmurthy |
Nagesh |
Murthy |
Roger Engemann Professor of Operations and Business Analytics | Stewart Distinguished Faculty |
nmurthy@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business, Operations and Business Analytics |
468 Lillis Hall |
541-346-5137 |
nahlab |
Nahla |
Bendefaa |
Graduate Teaching Fellow |
nahlab@uoregon.edu |
Eugene |
najmulh |
Najmul |
Hassan |
GE |
najmulh@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science |
232 Deschutes Hall |
nabbassi |
Nakiessa |
Abbassi |
Doctoral Student |
Graduate Employee |
nabbassi@uoregon.edu |
Political Science |
808 PLC |
Winter 2023: Wednesdays 12-1pm on Zoom, in-person by appointment |
541-346-4864 |
nakyung |
Nakyung |
Lee |
Doctoral Student |
Graduate Teaching Fellow |
nakyung@uoregon.edu |
Eugene |
nbailey9 |
Nala |
Bailey |
MA Student |
nbailey9@uoregon.edu |
409 Friendly Hall |
faaolaol |
Nana |
Tuffin |
Office Coordinator, Oregon Executive MBA |
faaolaol@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business |
109 NW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR 97209 |
503-412-3710 |
nancyg |
Nancy |
Golden |
Professor of Practice, Emeritus |
nancyg@uoregon.edu |
College of Education |
130 HEDCO Education Bldg |
541-346-8240 |
nmackay |
Nancy |
Mackay |
Speech and Language Pathologist |
nmackay@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
541-636-7371 |
nnelson3 |
Nancy |
Nelson |
Research Associate Professor |
nnelson3@uoregon.edu |
1600 Millrace Dr., Ste 241 |
541-346-8446 |
nrosales |
Nancy |
Rosales |
Masters Student |
nrosales@uoregon.edu |
Center for Translational Neuroscience |
nshurtz |
Nancy |
Shurtz |
B.A. Kliks Professor |
nshurtz@uoregon.edu |
Law, Law-JD |
306C Knight Law Center |
541-346-3841 |
nywc |
Nancy |
Cheng |
Associate Professor |
nywc@uoregon.edu |
Architecture |
322 Lawrence Hall |
Eugene |
541-346-3674 |
robertsn |
Nancy |
Roberts |
Office Specialist 1 |
robertsn@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
541-346-7325 |
nce |
Nancy C. |
Elliott |
Senior Instructor I |
Senior Instructor I |
nce@uoregon.edu |
American English Institute |
220 Agate Hall |
541-346-9914 |
nanditav |
Nandita |
Vijayakumar |
Courtesy Appointment |
nanditav@uoregon.edu |
Straub Hall, Rm. 133 |
541-346-4852 |
nani |
Nani |
Ramos |
Academic Programs Assistant |
nani@uoregon.edu |
Economics, General Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology |
541-346-1174 |
nanoshl |
Nanosh |
Lucas |
Graduate Employee |
nanoshl@uoregon.edu |
History, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies |
406 Straub Hall |
Winter 23, Monday 11:50-1:50 |
naoko |
Naoko |
Nakadate |
Senior Instructor II, Japanese Language |
naoko@uoregon.edu |
East Asian Languages |
410 Friendly Hall |
M&T 10:00-11:30 or by appointment |
541-346-0047 |
navalos |
Naomi |
Avalos |
Admin Suite Support Specialist |
navalos@uoregon.edu |
Law |
102 Knight Law Center |
541-346-1951 |
npc |
Naomi |
Castro |
Graduate Employee |
npc@uoregon.edu |
203 Berwick Hall |
541-346-1286 |
nsussman |
Naomi |
Sussman |
Assistant Professor |
nsussman@uoregon.edu |
History |
nzack |
Naomi |
Zack |
Professor Emeritus |
Naomi.zack@lehman.cuny.edu |
239 Susan Campbell Hall |
541-346-1547 |
narayans |
Narayan |
Sharma |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
narayans@uoregon.edu |
Linguistics |
541-346-3914 |
nashu |
Nash |
Unsworth |
Professor |
nashu@uoregon.edu |
Neuroscience, Psychology |
327 LISB |
541-346-2921 |
nasimy |
Nasim |
Yarishirmard |
PhD Student, Operations and Business Analytics |
nasimy@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business, Operations and Business Analytics |
nasring |
Nasrin |
Golshany |
Nasrin golshany (Architecture PhD) |
nasring@uoregon.edu |
Architecture |
Eugene |
5417901814 |
nativy |
Nat |
Ivy |
Graduate Student |
nativy@uoregon.edu |
Folklore Program |
nataliac |
Natalia |
Caceres |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
nataliac@uoregon.edu |
161 Straub Hall |
541-346-3906 |
ndunn6 |
Natalie |
Dunn |
Doctoral Student |
ndunn6@uoregon.edu |
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology |
470 Straub Hall |
nstaples |
Natalie |
Staples |
Creative Writing Graduate Student |
English Department GE |
nstaples@uoregon.edu |
321 PLC |
S20 T 10-1 via email, Canvas chat and Zoom |
541-346-3915 |
nvelez |
Natalie |
Velez |
Graduate Student, Physics Department |
nvelez@uoregon.edu |
Physics |
217 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
nmccom |
Natalya |
McComas |
EI/ECSE Specialist |
nmccom@uoregon.edu |
Education Research and Outreach |
1500 W. 12th Ave. |
541-854-5614 |
nreich |
Natascha |
Reich |
PhD Candidate (Ethno-)Musicology |
nreich@uoregon.edu |
310 Friendly Hall |
Winter 2021: Monday and Wednesday: 12-1pm via Zoom and by appointment |
541-346-3761 |
natashaf |
Natasha |
Freudmann |
Project Coord 1 DSN Lab |
natashaf@uoregon.edu |
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology |
LISB 117 |
nericks3 |
Natasha |
Erickson |
Graduate Employee |
nericks3@uoregon.edu |
717 PLC |
Fall 2022: Tuesdays and Fridays 1-2 PM on Zoom |
541-346-5002 |
nmichalo |
Natasha |
Michalowsky |
Pro Tem Instructor |
nmichalo@uoregon.edu |
Eugene |
novermey |
Natasha |
Overmeyer |
Assistant Professor of Management |
novermey@uoregon.edu |
Lundquist College of Business, Management |
balmain |
Nate |
Balmain |
GE |
balmain@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science |
goldcamp |
Nate |
Goldcamp |
Graduate Employee |
goldcamp@uoregon.edu |
Human Physiology |
nathanjl |
Nate |
Lichvarcik |
Pro Tem Instructor |
Nathan.J.Lichvarcik@usdoj.gov |
Law, Law-JD |
Knight Law Bldg. |
nklema |
Nate |
Klema |
Ph.D. |
nklema@uoregon.edu |
skeele |
Nate |
Skeele |
Graduate Student |
skeele@uoregon.edu |
Physics |
217 Willamette |