▪ Presentation of the paper " La mia siepe è la Sicilia”: un’analisi del Quasimodo “isolano antico”, Terzo convegno internazionale di Studi mediterranei: Sicilia, insularità e identità mediterranee (Tunis, February 20/21/22, 2017).
▪ Presentation of the paper "L'Apprendimento della Lingua e della Cultura Italiana attraverso la Grammatica gestuale" 2016 Italian Language Teachers' Workshop (ILT) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, October, 15, 2016.
▪ Presentation of the paper “Provincializzare” l’Italia postunitaria attraverso “l’andare lenti” ne I Malavoglia”, XII International Conference of Literature: Memory and Imagination of Latin America and the Caribbean (Through the oral and written paths) at St. John’s University (Queens Campus), October 12, 13, and 14, 2016.
▪ Presentation of the paper “The Spanish Transfer Process in the Learning of Italian as a Third Language”, AATI International Conference Naples (June 22-26 2016).
▪ Collaboration with the IOM (International Organization for Migration) for the realization of the Italian textbook “L’Italiano nel turismo 2”, September 2014 – March 2015.