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Associate Professor Emeritus
Director, Deliberative Democracy Project
Phone: (541) 346-3892


PhD (social ecology), University of California, Irvine (1978)
BS (social ecology), University of California, Irvine (1974)


ICMA, Honorary Membership (1999)

Summary of Interests

Applied research methods; how important questions in public policy and management can be answered through research; the application of rigorous methods to field-based settings.

Research Interests

To develop, implement, and evaluate new democratic processes. Currently engaged in large-scale community dialogues in Fort Collins, Colorado; Eugene, Oregon; Sacramento, California; and Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. Other larger-scale demonstrations are: Eugene Decisions (a community dialogue about city services and funding), the evaluation of the Governor's Conversation with Oregon (an unprecedented attempt to use a statewide, two-way, narrow-cast television system to involve citizens in the policymaking process), and the year-long Dialogue on the Profession for the International City Management Association. Director of the Urban Laboratory, a collaborative effort with the City of Eugene that combines the resources of the university and the city to accomplish important research and development goals.

Courses and Seminar

Introduction to Public Service Management; Applied Methods in Planning, Policy, and Management; Quantitative Methods in Planning and Public Policy; New Democratic Processes.