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My own poems have appeared widely, in publications such as The New Yorker, Paris Review, Kenyon Review, and American Poetry Review, and in numerous anthologies, among them The Norton Introduction to Literature.
My books are Second Nature (University of Washington Press, 2008), The Hurtling (Orchises Press, 2004), and Loving the Days (Wesleyan University Press, 1978).
I have also edited numerous books, including The Collected Poems of Hazel Hall (Oregon State University Press, 2000); 2084: Looking Beyond Orwell, critical essays (Oregon Committee for the Humanities, 1984); Warnings: An Anthology on the Nuclear Peril (Northwest Review Books, 1984); Pioneer Letters: the Letter as Literature (Northwest Review Books, 1983); and Dialogues With Northwest Writers (Northwest Review Books, 1982).
I was from 1979 to 2008 the editor-in-chief of Northwest Review.