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Research and Teaching Profile

Christine Vigeant completed her B.A. in Liberal Studies with minors in Anthropology and Philosophy at Portland State University in 2016, and was a PSU Ronald E. McNair scholar. During the 2015/16 academic year, she served as a Teaching Assistant in the PSU Philosophy Department. Christine has published an article on the archaeology of childhood in North America (2016). She is currently in her first year of the M.A. program at the University of Oregon. Her research interests include German philosophy (particularly Kant and Nietzsche), 19th and 20th century German literature, the Bildungsroman, second language acquisition, pedagogy, and translation.

When she is not in class, Christine works as a secular activist and volunteers at her kids’ schools. In her free time, she likes to go hiking and camping, swim in mountain lakes, make jam, write in her journal, have game nights with friends, watch Westworld and Game of Thrones, and sleep.