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Selected Publications

Elliott, James R. and Scott Frickel.  2013.  “The Historical Nature of Cities: A Study of Urbanization and Hazardous Waste Accumulation.”  American Sociological Review 78(4): 521-543

Elliott, James R. and Ryan A. Smith.  2004.  “Race, Gender and Workplace Power.” American Sociological Review 69(3): 365-386.

Smith, Ryan and James R. Elliott.  2002.  “Does Ethnic Concentration Influence Access to Authority? An Examination of Contemporary Urban Labor Markets.” Social Forces 81(1): 255-279.

Pais, Jeremy and James R. Elliott.  2008. “Places as Recovery Machines: Vulnerability and Neighborhood Change after Major Hurricanes.” Social Forces 86(4): 1415-1453.

Elliott, James R. and Jeremy Pais.  2006.  “Race, Class, and Hurricane Katrina: Social Differences in Human Responses to Disaster.”  Social Science Research 35(2): 295-321