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2011. Martinez, C.R., Jr., McClure, H.H., Eddy, J.M., & Wilson, D.M. Time in U.S. Residency and the Social, Behavioral, and Emotional Adjustment of Latino Immigrant Families. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. In press.

2011. Martinez, C.R., Jr., McClure, H.H., Eddy, J.M., Ruth, B., & Hyers, M. Recruitment and Retention of Latino Immigrant Parents in Prevention Research. Prevention Science. In press.

2010. McClure, H.H., Martinez, C.R., Jr., Snodgrass, J.J., Eddy, J.M., Jiménez, R., Isiordia,
L.E., & McDade, T.W. Discrimination-related stress, blood pressure, and Epstein Barr Virus antibodies among Latin American immigrants in Oregon. Journal of Biosocial Science. DOI:10.1017/S0021932010000039

2010. McClure, H.H., Snodgrass, J.J., Martinez, C.R., Eddy, J.M., Jiménez, R.A., & Isiordia, L.E. Discrimination, psychosocial stress, and health among Latin American immigrants in Oregon. American Journal of Human Biology. DOI 10.1002/ajhb.21002.

2009. Mendoza, M., & McClure, H. Centro LatinoAmericano: Contributing to the Integration of Latino Families in Lane County. A report for the Department of Health and Human Services, Lane County. Eugene, Oregon: Centro LatinoAmericano.

2009. Cheriel, C., Huguet, N., Gupta, S., McClure, H., Leman, R.F., & Ngo, D.L. Arthritic pain among Latinos: Results from a community-based survey. Arthritis Care & Research. 61(11), 1491-1496.

2009. Martinez, C.R., McClure, H.H., & Eddy, J.M. Language brokering contexts and behavioral and emotional adjustment among Latino parents and adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 29(1), 71-98.

2008. Martinez, C.R., Jr., McClure, H.H., & Eddy, J.M. Latino immigrant children and families: Demographics, challenges, and promise. In B. Bussell (Ed.) Understanding the Immigrant Experience in Oregon: Research, Analysis, and Recommendations from University of Oregon Scholars. Eugene, Oregon; University of Oregon Press.

2006. Green, H.D. & McClure, H.H. Creative Networks: Mexican Immigrant Assets in Chicago. Chicago, IL: The Center for Cultural Understanding and Change (CCUC), The Field Museum; Team Engineering Collaboratory, University of Illinois (TEClab), Urbana-Champaign Science of Networks in Communities Research Group (SONIC), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (

2005. McClure, H.H. & Jerger, K. The State of Latino Health in the District of Columbia. Washington, DC: Council of Latino Agencies. (

2004. McClure, H.H. Child and family health. 2004 Issue Scan: An Annual Report Examining Changes in Neighborhood Conditions across the District of Columbia. Washington, DC: DC Agenda. (

2004. McClure, H.H. & Oliva, J.L. Guatemalans. In J. Grossman (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Chicago History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (

2003. Roy, K. with McClure, H. The State of Latino KIDS in the District of Columbia. Washington, DC: Council of Latino Agencies. (


2011. McClure H.H., Martinez C.R., Jr., Snodgrass J.J., Eddy J.M., Squires E.C., Ridgeway-Díaz J.G.. Feasibility of integrating biomarkers into research with Latino immigrant families: Findings from the Stress and Acculturation Project. American Journal of Human Biology. 23(2):243.

2010. McClure, H.H., Eddy, J.M., Snodgrass, J.J., Martinez, C.R., Kjellstrand, J.M., & Cearley, J.J. Adolescent behavioral predictors of increased adult body mass index. American Journal of Human Biology, 22(2), 262.

2010. Midttveit, E.C., McClure, H.H., Snodgrass, J.J., McDade, T.W., Martinez, C.R., Eddy, J.M., Jimenez, R.A., Isiordia, L.E. Body composition and lifestyle correlates of high sensitivity C-reactive protein among Latino immigrants in Oregon. American Journal of Human Biology, 22(2), 263.

2008. McClure, H.H., Martinez, C.R., Jr., Eddy, J.M., Jimenez, R., Isiordia, L.E., McDade, T.W. & Snodgrass, J.J. Stress and lifestyle change among recent Latino immigrants in Oregon.
American Journal of Human Biology, 20(2), 208.

Note: All articles are the sole copyright of the respective publishers. Materials are provided for educational use only.
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