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Selected Works:

Restructuring Welfare: Myths and Lived Realities, with Sandra Morgen and Jill Weigt. Cornell University Press. Forthcoming 2009.

"Glass Ceilings and Inequality Regimes. " Sociologie du travail. 2009, forthcoming .

"Diverting Dependency: The Effects of Diversion on Short Term Outcomes of TANF Applicants." With Ken Hudson and Lisa Gonzales. 2007. Journal of Poverty, 11, 1: 83-105. Class Questions: Feminist Answers. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 2006.

"Inequality Regimes: Gender, Class and Race in Organizations." 2006 Gender & Society, 20, 4: 441-464.

"The Gender Regime in Swedish Banks". Scandinavian Journal of Management. 2006. 10, 2:117-130.

"Gender, Capitalism, and Globalization." Critical Sociology. 2004. 30,1:17-42.

"The Gender Regime in Swedish Banks". Scandinavian Journal of Management. 1993. 10,2:117-130.

Doing Comparable Worth: Gender, Class and Pay Equity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 1989.

"Differential Recruitment and Control: The Sex Structuring of Organizations", with Donald Van Houten, Administrative Science Quarterly , 19 (June, 1974): 152-63.

"Women and Social Stratification: A Case of Intellectual Sexism", American Journal of Sociology, 78, #4, (January, 1973): 174-83.