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Research Interests and Publications

Selected Publication:

Randerath, J, Martin, K & Frey SH (In Press). Are tool properties always
processed automatically? The
role of tool use context and task complexity. Cortex (In Press), doi:

Martin, K & van Donkelaar P (2012). Expectations Can Modulate the Frequency
and Timing of Multiple
Saccades ­ A TMS study. Experimental Brain Research, 221:51-58,
doi: 10.1007/s00221-012-3146-0.

Martin K, Jacobs S, & Frey, SH (2011). Handedness-dependent and-independent cerebral asymmetries in the anterior intraparietal sulcus and ventral premotor cortex during grasp planning. NeuroImage 57 pp. 502-512 doi10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.04.036.