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LeRon Harrison received his BA in Japanese Language and Literature from UC Berkeley in 1995, his MA in Japanese Literature from Indiana University in 2001, and his PhD in East Asian Languages and Literature from UC Irvine in 2010. His research interests focus on waka, Japanese court poetry and the appropriations of and interactions with Chinese poetry. His current book project deals with the concept of poetic immortals (kasen) and the dynamics of remembering and forgetting that occur among the textual and pictorial representations of these figures from the eighth to the eighteenth centuries.

His teaching interests focus on Heian and Kamakura period literature, but also include Japanese animation, especially depictions of Heian and Kamakura Japan in Japanese animation. For the 2014-2015 academic year he will teach the premodern section of The Survey of Japanese Literature course along with a course on The Tale of Genji, an introduction to Classical Japanese poetry, a course on the vampire as it appears in Japanese animation, and a course on the appropriation of premodern Japanese literature in modern Japanese literature.