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Research Activities:  My dissertation research integrates my research and teaching interests in race/ethnicity, immigration, identity, and the “old” and “new” African Diaspora. My dissertation focuses on immigrants from the continent of Africa (Ethiopia and Nigeria) and how their racial/ethnic identities affect their pattern of incorporation/assimilation. I approach this by asking the question: Do African immigrants share a sense of linked fate, or racial solidarity, with the native born African American population? A sense of linked fate, or racial solidarity, between Africans and African Americans, is not a given as African immigrants differ linguistically, religiously, culturally, and presumably have different experiences with race and racial identity, than do African Americans.  Additionally, my dissertation explores how native born African Americans are experiencing the rapid increase in Black ethnic diversity.  

Professional Activities: Association of Black Sociologists, American Sociological Association, Critical Ethnic Studies Association, National Black Graduate Student Association, National Council of Black Studies

Personal: I enjoy watching and rooting for my home state college football team, the Alabama Crimson Tide! Roll Tide!