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Parker, M., (2013 2014, 2015), CPEP Media Toolkit Manual, a 39-page manual on public relations, social media, media relations, website development and advertising (for print, online, radio and television) for all event planners organizing events under the State of Hawaii – Hawaii Tourism Authority event and project grant programs in Kauai County. Published by County of Kaua‘i, Department of Economic Development.

Parker, M., (2008, June), Ask the Kumu: A qualitative analysis of Native Hawaiian perspectives on Hawai`i’s promotional images. Symposium conducted at the 6th annual Tour and Travel Research Association Conference, June 15-17, Philadelphia, PA

Parker, M., (2008, January). Ask the Kumu: A qualitative analysis of Native Hawaiian perspectives on Hawai`i’s promotional images. Symposium conducted at the 6th annual Hawaii International conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawai’i

Parker, M., (2007, January). Language rights, official language and foreign language adaptation in the United States: Acculturation issues.Symposium conducted at the 5th Annual Hawai`i International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawai`i