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Research and Interests

My field of study is bolivian and lathin american literature. I am interested in the formation of social entities in Bolivia, especiallly the mentality of the urban middle classes. In 2009 I helped to set up the research group called "Bolivian Prose". The group  started a work of compilation and reading books from authors from the first fifty years of the 20th century. In 2009 we published the book called "Alberto de Villegas Studies and Anthology" printed by Plural Editors.  This is a compilation of unpublished texts and critical essays about a fascinating character and writer of that time. In 2014, I presented my thesis on the novel "The candidacy of Rojas". For this work I studied the allegory of romance and other styles, such as parody and satire, expressing the impasses of social perception in the Bolivia of the early twentieth century. In 2015 this thesis received an award from the National Thesis Contest organized by the Research Center of the Vice Presidency of the Multinational State of Bolivia and published in 2016. In 2017 I made a compilation of articles from different newspapers and the introductory study for the publication of the book "Assembled Prose" by Armando Chirveches for the project "Bicentennial Library”, this book was published in 2018.


Alberto de Villegas. Estudios y antología. Plural editores, 2013.

12 películas fundamentales. Cine Boliviano: Historia, Directores, Películas. Ministerio de Culturas y Turismo, 2014.

Política y romance en “La Candidatura de Rojas” de Armando Chirveches. Centro de Investigaciones Sociales de la Vicepresidencia, 2015.

Armando Chirveches. Prosa reunida. Biblioteca del Bicentenario de Bolivia, 2018.