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My name is Rafael Núñez Rodríguez and I was born in 1987 in Spain (Isla Cristina, Huelva). At the University of Huelva, I have studied Hispanic Philology and two different Master degrees: the first one was about European literature and the final dissertation focused on the manuscript of The Golden Fountain Café, the first novel written by Benito Perez Galdós; the second degree was about teaching Spanish as a foreign language, general teaching and teaching in high school and I went through it because I love education and I love learning new ways of teaching. I have lived in London (UK) and studied at the Università Ca’ Foscari (Venice, Italy) and at the University of Limerick (Limerick, Ireland) thanks to different European scholarships. After these experiences, I decided to concentrate on the literature of my province, Huelva: I published the Antología de poesía Joven Onubense (Niebla: 2016); I wrote various articles about poetry in my province, all collected under the title Las Generaciones Poéticas Onubenses; and finally I participated to a radio program, La Arcadia Onubense, during which my partner and I had the opportunity to interview many important poets from Spain, Mexico and Ecuador.