avajr |
avajr@uoregon.edu |
autumnlb |
Autumn |
P. |
Science Lab Preparator |
autumnlb@uoregon.edu |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
160D Klamath Hall |
541-346-0689 |
aust |
Aus |
Tichenor |
Science Lab Preparator |
aust@uoregon.edu |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
5413464650 |
aurelm |
Aurel |
Malapani |
PhD student (Dugger) |
aurelm@uoregon.edu |
Mathematics |
316 Fenton Hall |
541-346-0242 |
atullos |
Anika |
Tullos |
MS Student |
Earth Sciences |
210F Cascade |
Eugene |
attilas |
Attila |
Schillinger |
Professor of Practice |
Director, Strategic Communication Master’s Program |
attilas@uoregon.edu |
SOJC, SOJC-Public Relations, SOJC-Strategic Communication |
325 Allen Hall |
Eugene |
541-346-3511 |
atowle |
Angie |
Towle |
Travel Technician |
atowle@uoregon.edu |
TUC, Fl 2 |
8am-5pm |
541-346-5430 |
atika |
Atika |
Khurana |
Professor |
atika@uoregon.edu |
Counseling Psychology, Family and Human Services, Prevention Science, SAIL |
369 HEDCO Education Bldg |
541-346-5540 |
athomp13 |
Amanda |
Thompson |
Assistant Professor Clinical |
athomp13@uoregon.edu |
College of Education, Communication Disorders and Sciences |
276 HEDCO Education Bldg. |
ateske |
Andrew |
Teske |
GE |
ateske@uoregon.edu |
Computer Science |
ataylora |
Allison |
Taylor-Adams |
Research Associate |
ataylora@uoregon.edu |
Linguistics |
161 Straub Hall |
Mon 10:00a-12:00p or by appt. (email for appt) |
541-346-3945 |
atamaoki |
atamaoki@uoregon.edu |
atam6 |
atam6@uoregon.edu |
ataki |
Anna-Maria |
Taki |
Postdoctoral Research Scholar |
ataki@uoregon.edu |
449 Willamette Hall |
atacket2 |
Ashley |
Tackett |
Pro Tem Instructor |
atacket2@uoregon.edu |
Architecture |
130 Pacific Hall |
Eugene |
aswa |
Amy |
Swanson |
Assistant Professor of Dance Studies, Theory, and History |
aswa@uoregon.edu |
Music |
asvetic2 |
asvetic2@uoregon.edu |
541-346-1913 |
asv |
Adam |
Vernon |
English Graduate Student / GE |
asv@uoregon.edu |
371 |
S20: TR 12-1:30 via Zoom at https://uoregon.zoom.us/my/adamvernon.wr121.spring2020 |
541-346-1512 |
asummer8 |
asummer8@uoregon.edu |
asugatha |
Anu |
Sugathan |
English Graduate Student / GE |
asugatha@uoregon.edu |
English |
PLC 204 |
Spring Term: W 10am-1pm |
541-346-0014 |
astriete |
Andrew |
Strietelmeier |
Assistant Professor of Music Education (Strings) |
astriete@uoregon.edu |
220 Frohnmayer Music Bldg |
Eugene |
541-346-5960 |
astriet4 |
Amy |
Strieter |
Creative Writing Graduate Student / GTF |
astriet4@uoregon.edu |
331 PLC |
Spring term W 3-5 & by appt. |
(541) 346-1595 |
astrickl |
astrickl@uoregon.edu |
astillie |
Abbie |
Stillie |
Associate Director, Wayne Morse Center |
astillie@uoregon.edu |
Law |
280F Knight Law Center |
541-346-3717 |
asteingi |
Alethea |
Steingisser |
Senior Research Assistant 2 |
Cartographic Project Manager, InfoGraphics Lab |
asteingi@uoregon.edu |
167 Condon Hall |
541-346-4870 |
asteele2 |
Alex |
Steele |
Graduate Student |
asteele2@uoregon.edu |
Philosophy |
221 Susan Campbell Hall |
Winter 2022 1:30-3:30pm on Wednesdays in SCH 221 |
541-346-5547 |
asteele |
Alexander |
Steele |
English Graduate Student / GE |
asteele@uoregon.edu |
20 PLC |
W21: 9:00-10:30 am on Mondays and Wednesdays |
541-346-1513 |
astaple |
Amy |
Stapleton |
HR Coordinator |
astaple@uoregon.edu |
130 Straub Hall |
541-346-4920 |
asta |
Amanda |
Stasiewicz |
Assistant Professor |
asta@uoregon.edu |
Environmental Studies |
Thursdays 10-11:45 Columbia 145B |
541-346-5031 |
Assensoh |
Akwasi B. |
Assensoh |
Courtesy Professor |
assensoh@uoregon.edu |
African Studies |
275 McKenzie Hall |
(541) 346-4802 |
asperry |
Alyssa |
Sperry |
Graduate Student |
asperry@uoregon.edu |
175 PLC |
Tuesday and Thrusday from 11am to 12pm, or by apointment. |
541-346-5053 |
asoudach |
Amy |
Soudachanh |
Graduate Student |
asoudach@uoregon.edu |
OMQ, Physics |
155 Willamette Hall |
541-346-4770 |
asosasa2 |
Ana |
Sosa Salgado |
PhD Student, Accounting |
asosasa2@uoregon.edu |
Accounting, Lundquist College of Business |
asomeshw |
Amala |
Someshwar |
Doctoral Student |
asomeshw@uoregon.edu |
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology |
asolis8 |
Andy |
Solis |
Office Assistant |
asu7officestaff@uoregon.edu |
CON 308 |
541-346-5102 |
asnyder5 |
Amy |
Snyder |
Doctoral Student |
Graduate Employee |
asnyder5@uoregon.edu |
Political Science |
806 PLC |
S22 - Virtual: Thurs 3-4 (weeks 1-10 & finals week). Zoom url: https://uoregon.zoom.us/j/97730570250 |
541-346-4864 |
asmith15 |
Alexis |
Smith |
Graduate Teaching Fellow |
asmith15@uoregon.edu |
askyberg |
Amalia |
Skyberg |
Postdoctoral Scholar |
askyberg@uoregon.edu |
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology |
asj |
Abigail |
Johnson |
English Graduate Student |
asj@uoregon.edu |
English |
541-346-0052 |
asirois |
André |
Sirois |
Senior Career Instructor 1 |
Multimedia Supervisor |
asirois@uoregon.edu |
Cinema Studies Program |
263 Knight Library |
Eugene |
541-346-8844 |
asimps10 |
Alex |
Simpson |
Ph.D. student |
asimps10@uoregon.edu |
Earth Sciences |
120B Cascade Hall |
asimons |
Anne |
Simons |
Professor Emerit |
asimons@uoregon.edu |
Psychology |
Straub Hall |
asilia |
Asilia |
Franklin-Phipps |
PhD Candidate |
Graduate Teaching Fellow |
asilia@uoregon.edu |
Eugene |
Spring Term: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00-2:00pm |
asibul |
Amy |
Sibul |
Internships & Career Readiness Director |
asibul@uoregon.edu |
Human Physiology |
181 Esslinger Hall |
541-346-7608 |
ashuffie |
Alex |
Shuffield |
Graduate Employee |
ashuffie@uoregon.edu |
49 Frohnmayer Music Bldg |
541-346-3761 |
ashms |
Ash |
Stewart |
ASU4 Faculty Support |
ashms@uoregon.edu |
Human Physiology, Linguistics, Psychology |
125 Straub Hall |
541-346-1690 |
asherwoo |
Anna |
Sherwood |
Director of Communications |
asherwoo@uoregon.edu |
106A Knight Law Center |
541-346-1665 |
ashc |
Ash |
Connell-Gonzalez |
English Graduate Student/ GE |
GTFF Steward, Queer Caucus Co-Chair |
ashc@uoregon.edu |
Comics and Cartoon Studies, English |
261 PLC |
Eugene |
Not teaching in ENG Spring 2024 |
541-346-0529 |
ashanks |
Alan |
Shanks |
Professor Emeritus |
ashanks@uoregon.edu |
Biology, OIMB |
Oregon Inst Of Marine Biology |
541-346-7272 |
ashaffer |
Ann |
Shaffer |
Music and Dance Librarian, UO Libraries |
Instructor of Research Methods |
ashaffer@uoregon.edu |
Music |
121 Knight Library |
Eugene |
541-346-1850 |