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Username First Name Last Name Titlesort icon Additional Title E-mail Departments Office City Office Hours Phone
agordon2 Anni Gordon ASU7 student worker lead 308 Condon Hall 541-346-5102
fphelan Franki Phelan ASU7 Student Worker Undergraduate Research Assisstant Earth Sciences, Geography
michele7 Michele Drake ASU5 Accounting Technician Black Studies, Cinema Studies Program, CLLAS, Creative Writing Program, History, IRES, Latinx, Native American Studies, Theatre Arts, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies Eugene 541-346-1378
jeffreyd Jeff Davis ASU4 Undergraduate Coordinator Psychology 139A Straub Hall 541-346-4952
Sierraj Sierra Jager ASU4 Operations/Faculty Support Linguistics 163 Straub Hall 541-346-1731
lrihs Lisa Rihs ASU4 Operations Manager American English Institute, Human Physiology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Swahili 133 Straub Hall 541-346-4265
lolsen Lori Olsen ASU4 Graduate Coordinator Psychology 137 Straub Hall 541-346-5060
ashms Ash Stewart ASU4 Faculty Support Human Physiology, Linguistics, Psychology 125 Straub Hall 541-346-1690
lowens Lo Owens ASU4 Faculty Support Human Physiology, Linguistics, Psychology 936 PLC
aelling Anni Elling ASU4 Associate Director Human Physiology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Swahili 179 Esslinger Hall 7:00am-3:30pm 541-346-4284
shall61 Stephen Hallmark ASU4 Academic Programs Manager American English Institute 234 Oregon Hall 541-346-2495
Jballet John Balletti ASU-8 Student Lead Front Office Assistant Mathematics 202 Fenton Hall, 120 Deschutes Hall SPRING 2024 -- MW: 9:00am-12:00pm, TTH: 9:00am-12:00pm & 2:00pm-5:00pm
amyo Autumn Oberhart ASU 7 Lead Communications Assistant, EcoPeer She/Her/Hers Condon 107
rsf Scott Fisher Astronomy Lecturer and Outreach Dir Director of Undergraduate Studies Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics 103C Klamath Hall 541-346-4799
cmaggio Nick Maggio Asst. Dir. Wildfire Technology Oregon Hazards Lab Earth Sciences 1600 Millrace Dr., Ste 243 Eugene 541-346-6990
jyounker Jason Younker Asst VP & Advisor to the President Anthropology 1700 Millrace Dr., Ste 380 Thursday 2-4:00 or by appointment 541-346-5672
cgarcia6 Courtney Garcia Asst Director C&C Advising College of Arts and Sciences, Multidisciplinary Science 101 Tykeson Hall 541-346-9207
sherrin Sherri Nelson Asst Dean for Budget & Finance Asst Dean for Budget & Finance College of Arts and Sciences 401 Tykeson Hall 541-346-8196
hallett Lauren Hallett Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology Biology, Environmental Studies 220C Pacific Hall M/W 11am-12:50pm 541-346-3346
nrc Nicole Commissiong Associate Vice President, Chief Civil Rights Officer and Title IX Coordinator 677 E 12th Ave., Ste 400 541-346-2204
amariem Anne Marie Mauricio Associate Research Professor College of Education, Prevention Science
mcoughla Michael Coughlan Associate Research Professor Associate Director, Ecosystem Workforce Program 130 Hendricks Hall Eugene 541-346-0675
kdicus Kevin Dicus Associate Professor; Program Head, Humanities Classics, Humanities Program 354 Susan Campbell Hall Monday 11:00am-12:00pm, Tuesday 1:00pm-2:00pm, and by appointment over Zoom 541-346-4087
epederso Eric Pederson Associate Professor, Retired Linguistics 375 Straub Hall 541-346-3900
eselek Erdem Selek Associate Professor, Product Design Product Design 477 Lawrence Hall Eugene 541-346-6697
trygve Trygve Faste Associate Professor, Product Design Product Design 102 Millrace 4 Eugene By Appointment Only 541-346-4377
chan Liska Chan Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture Director, Fuller Initiative for Productive Landscapes Landscape Arch 211 Lawrence Hall Eugene 541-346-2899
jinak Jina Kim Associate Professor, Korean Literature & Culture East Asian Languages 403 Friendly Hall Fall 2023:Friday 12:00 (Noon)-2:00 pm Global Scholars Hall 105
lucien Lucien Brown Associate Professor, Korean Linguistics 425 Friendly Hall 541-346-4103
nkwon Nayoung Kwon Associate Professor, Korean Linguistics Korean Sector Representative East Asian Languages Friendly Hall 425 541-346-4179
glynne Glynne Walley Associate Professor, Japanese Literature East Asian Languages, Folklore Program 423 Friendly Hall Fall 2024: Thursdays 5:30-7:30 pm
keyarris Kristin Yarris Associate Professor, Global Studies and Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department Head of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Disability Studies, Global Health Program, Global Studies, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies Hendricks Hall 218A Fall 2024: Wed 5:30-6:30pm GSH Cafe area; Th 4-5pm (remote, in Teams) 541-346-1363
acoles Andrea Coles-Bjerre Associate Professor, Faculty Director, Business Law Program Law, Law-JD 349 Knight Law Center 541-346-3810
sdwald Sarah D. Wald Associate Professor, Environmental Studies & English Director of Graduate Admissions for English English, Environmental Studies, Food Studies, IRES, Latinx 443 PLC Spring Term: Wednesday, 12:30pm-2:30pm PLC 443 541-346-1613
kbrown Kirby Brown Associate Professor, English Director, Native American and Studies (NAIS) English, Native American Studies, SAIL 330 PLC Spring Term: M: 3-5 pm, W: 9-10 am, and by email appt. (or schedule here: 541-346-5819
laskaya C. Anne Laskaya Associate Professor, Emerita Medieval Studies 357 PLC Fall Term: Via Zoom M 11-12:30pm, R 2:30-4pm & by appt. 541-346-1517
lukehabb Luke Habberstad Associate Professor, Early Chinese Literature and Religion Program Head & Director of Asian Studies Program Asian Studies, East Asian Languages, Religious Studies 401 Friendly Hall Tuesdays, 2-4 pm 541-346-4006
jweise Julie Weise Associate Professor, Department of History History, IRES, Latinx 353 McKenzie Hall 541-346-4833
dhindery Derrick Hindery Associate Professor, Department of Global Studies UO Study Abroad Programs Committee Member; Provost’s Teaching Academy Member Global Studies 345 PLC 9-11am Tu, Spring 2024: Sign up to meet at 541-346-6106
vazquez David J Vázquez Associate Professor, Department of English 118 PLC On Leave AY 20-21 541-346-1516
amgroppe Alison Groppe Associate Professor, Chinese Literature Asian Studies, East Asian Languages 317 Friendly Hall Fall 2024: Mondays 3-4pm on Zoom (email for link); Tuesdays 4-5pm, FR317 541-346-7015
rbc Roy Chan Associate Professor, Chinese Literature Director of Graduate Studies, East Asian Languages & Literatures Comparative Literature, East Asian Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies 426 Friendly Hall Fall 2024: Tuesdays 1:00pm-3:00 pm (email in advance appreciated)
dmorgan Donald Morgan Associate Professor, Art Art 187 Lawrence Hall Eugene 541-346-2018
tippett Elizabeth "Liz" Tippett Associate Professor | James O. and Alfred T. Goodwin Senior Fellow Law, Law-JD, Law-CRES 351 Knight Law Center 541-346-8938
craig Craig Phillips Associate Professor of Voice Music 262 Frohnmayer Music Bldg Eugene 541-346-8594
hgross19 Hal Grossman Associate Professor of Violin Music 266 Frohnmayer Music Bldg Eugene 541-346-3779
henryh Henry Henniger Associate Professor of Trombone Music 254 Frohnmayer Music Bldg Eugene 541-346-3774
lmillar Lanie Millar Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese African Studies, Black Studies, Comparative Literature, IRES, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Spanish Friendly 211 Fall, 2024: in person, MW 2-3, and by appointment. Zoom by appointment only. 541-346-4031
analisa Analisa Taylor Associate Professor of Spanish Romance Languages 326 Friendly Hall Eugene On leave winter '23 541-521-9762
enjuto Cecilia Enjuto Rangel Associate Professor of Spanish Director of Undergraduate Studies Romance Languages 323 Friendly Hall Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-10am 541-346-4045