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Victoria Hinchly has worked in various roles within the legal sector, including as a criminal/public law barrister in Great Britain.  Currently a doctoral student and graduate teaching fellow at the Department of Political Science, University of Oregon in the United States, she holds a Bachelors and Masters in Law, Constitutionalism and Governance.  


Current interests: United States Politics; Public Law and Regulatory Compliance; Institutional Theory.


Recent Projects:

.         'Professional Minimalism? The Ethical Consciousness of Commercial Lawyers' [with Richard Moorhead], Vol 42 Journal of Law and Society, 3 (2015)

.         ‘Litigants in Person in Private Family Law Proceedings’ [Trinder et al] for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ, 2014);

·         Book Review: Federal Dynamics in Federal Governance, Vol 10, No 1 (2013), 


·         ‘Benchmarking Professional Principles’ [Moorhead, Hinchly, Parker, Holm and Kershaw for the Legal Services Board (LSB, 2012).                              


·         ‘Evaluation of the Welsh Assembly Government’s Pilot Scheme for Resolving Low Value Clinical Negligence Claims Against NHS Trusts in Wales’ (2009);*


·         ‘Just Satisfaction? What Drives Public and Participant Satisfaction with Courts and Tribunals’ (2008);


·         ‘A Trouble Shared: Legal Problems Clusters in Solicitors’ and Advice Agencies’ (2007)