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Invited Articles:

·      Under review for a special issue: co-authored with Beata Stawarska, “Black Speaking Subjects: Frantz Fanon’s Critique of Coloniality of Language in Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology.” Histoire Épistemologie Langage (History Epistemology Language).

·      In production: "Colonialism and Cleanliness: A Feminist and Anticolonial Critique of the Whiteness as Cleanliness Praxis." Center for the Study of Women in Society 2022 Annual Review.

·      “Nature as Interlocutor: Dialogues with Our Landscapes.” EPIS Journal of Psychoanalysis, Phenomenology & Critical Theory 1 (2018): 43–67.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

·      Under review: “A Critique of the Whiteness as Cleanliness Mythology”

·      In production: "Fanon & Soap Advertising: The Colonial Mythology of Cleanliness." CLR James Journal 2022.

·      In production: "The Art of Interpreting Landscapes: Nature Teaching Itself Through Its Own Expression." Analecta Hermeneutica 2022.



·      Contributing author, "Chapter 2: Conceptualizing the diverse values of nature and their contributions to people," In: Methodological Assessment Report of the Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Bonn, Germany, 2022,


Blog Posts:

·      “A Critique of the Colonial Cleanliness Crusade,” American Philosophical Association, Women in Philosophy Blog Post, November 3 2021,


Book Reviews:

·      Book review of Philosophy in the American West: A Geography of Thought, ed. Josh Hayes, Gerard Kuperus, and Brian Treanor, Environmental Philosophy, Fall 2021.


Datasets, Assessment Reports, and Literature Reviews:

·      Literature Review project member and researcher, Ch. 2 Systematic review of Indigenous and local knowledge and philosophies, IPBES values assessment 2.2, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4396278

·      Literature Review project member and researcher, Ch. 2 Systematic review of value types in academic literature, IPBES values assessment 2.3, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4396289