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  • Sirois, André. In Press. Scratch Cyborgs: The Hip-Hop DJ as Technology. In Hip-Hop Theory: Time, Technology, and the 21st Century, ed. Roy Christopher. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. 
  • Sirois, André. In Progress. Designed from Scratch: A Hip Hop History of the DJ Mixer, 1975-2005. (self-published coffee table book). 
  • Sirois, André. 2016. Hip-Hop DJs and the Evolution of Technology: Cultural Exchange, Innovation, and Democratization. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
  • Sirois, André. 2015. Scratching out authorship: The creative network of hip hop DJs. In Cultures of Copyright, eds. Danielle DeVoss and Martine Courant Rife, 196-210. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. 
  • Sirois, André, and Janet Wasko. 2011. The Political Economy of Recorded Music. In The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications, eds. Janet Wasko, Graham Murdock, and Helena Sousa, 331-357. Walden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.