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Professor Eckerman received his PhD in Classics from UCLA in 2007, his MA in Classics from UCLA in 2002, and his BA in Classics and Economics from UC Davis in 2000. While a graduate student, he was Virginia Grace Fellow at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens and a guest in the Philologisches Seminar in Tuebingen. He taught at UCLA for one year before coming to Eugene. At the University of Oregon, he teaches a broad range of courses, including Greek and Latin courses at all levels as well as classes in translation such as epic poetry and tragedy.

He has published some two dozen articles and book reviews on various aspects of Greek literature and society, primarily on Greek lyric poetry and ancient geography. Though his research has included Greek epigraphy and papyrology, his particular interests lie in epinician poetry, Panhellenic sanctuaries, and contemporary geographic theory. His research generally derives from interpreting Greek and Latin texts in ways that they have not been previously read, and thereafter teasing out the social, literary, and cultural repercussions of his readings. In addition to continuing to work on archaic Greek lyric, he plans to begin a book on imperial Greek epic poetry in the not too distant future.