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Professor Kame’enui conducted research on the prevention (and remediation) of academic learning problems, particularly in beginning reading, language and vocabulary development, and reading comprehension. He examined issues in the design or “architecture” of instruction and investigated (descriptively and experimentally), the effects on student learning of manipulating highly specified features of instruction (e.g., presentation form—teacher directed vs. student directed; selection and sequencing of examples and non-examples; rule-based learning). In 2000, Professor Kame’enui established the Center on Teaching and Learning (CTL) as a research and outreach unit in the College of Education. As Founding Director of CTL, he served as Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI for more than $61 Million representing over 50 federal and private research and training grant awards. In addition, he and CTL colleagues provided technical assistance to all 50 states and the Virgin Islands, as well as a range of countries, including Australia and Qatar.