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Book Projects

Authored Book

Cities in Ruins: The Politics of Modern Poetics (West Lafayette: Purdue University Press. Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures, Vol. 50, 2010). 

The Politics of Memory and the Child in Iberian and Latin American Film (Book manuscript in progress)

Edited Volume

Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia, and Africa. Introduction and edition with Sebastiaan Faber, Robert Newcomb and Pedro García-Caro. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2019.

Cuba y España: Encuentros Transatlánticos. Ed. Cecilia Enjuto Rangel. Periphērica. Vol. 2, Issue 1. December 2022.

Edited Volumes (In Progress)

La verdad sobre el caso de José Antonio Primo de Rivera. Federico Enjuto Ferrán. Introduction and edition with Pedro García Caro. (In progress) (Edition of a historical memoir of the investigative judge in the trial of José Antonio Primo de Rivera during the Spanish Civil War.)