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Spain, World War II and the Holocaust: History and Representation. Eds. Gina Herrman and Sara Brenneis. 2020, University of Toronto Press.

The Longest Resistance: Anti-Fascist Women between Franco and Hitler. In Progress. Granted NEH for 2017-18.

A Critical Companion to Jorge Semprun: Buchenwald, Before and After. Eds. Gina Herrmann and Ofelia Ferran.  Palgrave 2014.

Written in Red: The Communist Memoir in Spain. U Illinois Press, 2010.

Peripherica: special issue on Hispanic Cinema, edited with Isabel Jaen.

Recent publications include works on Spanish women in the French Resistance, Female Slave Labor and sabotage in Nazi camps, Spanish Soviet Spies, Ramón Mercader and Africa de las Heras.

Earlier articles include subjects such as Franco's mass graves, Spanish and Catalan documentary, Holocaust photography rescued by Catalan communist survivors of Mauthausen, Gendered Experiences of the Holocaust in the Romance World, representations of torture, prison testimonies.

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