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Jenny Brooks is a public relations and communications professional who has practiced in just about every industry in the books, from health insurance and bagel makers to plumbers and performing arts. She found her groove working one-on-one with small businesses, helping them find their distinct voice to articulate their unique messages and stories to differentiate themselves among their competition. As an independent contractor for many years, she was able to expand her skillset beyond traditional public relations. She's developed full-blown marketing campaigns, supported a thriving YouTuber, and has been loud about social media being a tool of public relations since Twitter sent its first tweet. She even developed course curriculum for an online coaching program and ran a health education program in Arizona for elementary school students. Jenny has a master’s degree in applied communication. Her favorite way to unwind is with a great novel—she is a near-original Outlander fan—and reads as much as her husband, three kids, and two anxious dogs will let her.