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O’Neil, L., Pakulak, E., Stevens, C., Bell, T., Fanning, J.L., Gaston, M., Gomsrud, M., Hampton Wray, A., Holmes, K., Klein, S., Longoria, Z., Reynolds, M., Snell, K., Soto, A., & Neville, H. (2019). Creating connections between researchers and educators. Journal of Cognition and Development, 20 (2), pp.110-133. doi: 10.1080/15248372.2018.1515078. 

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Stevens, C., Fanning, J. L., Coch, D., Sanders, L., & Neville, H. J. (2007). Neural mechanisms of selective auditory attention are enhanced by computerized training: Electrophysiological evidence from language-impaired and typically developing children. Brain Research 1205, pp. 55–69.

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