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“Where Have all the Marxists Gone? Marxism and the Historiography of the Mexican Revolution." A Contracorriente, 5, No. 2 (Winter 2008): 196-219.


“From Marxism to Social History: Adolfo Gilly’s Revision of The Mexican Revolution.” A Contracorriente, 4, No. 2 (Winter 2007): 243-254.


“History, Marxism, and Cultural Hegemony in Postrevolutionary Mexico: The Forgotten Case of Rafael Ramos Pedrueza.” M.A. Thesis, University of Oregon, 2007.


Conference Papers


“Radicalizing and Reifying the History of the Mexican Revolution: Official Textbooks in Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1920-1940.” Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies. Boulder, Colorado, April 7-11, 2010.


“Historiadores marxistas, autores liberales y la hegemonía cultural en el México posrevolucionario.” Congreso Internacional: Dos siglos de revoluciones en México. Morelia, Michoacán, September 17-20, 2008.