Ordered by weight (if set) and creation date.
M.S., University of Genoa, Italy, 1985 (Angelo Perico). Ph.D., Consortium of the Universities of Genoa, Turin, and Pavia, Italy, 1989. 1989–99 Tenured Researcher, National Council of Research, Italy. 1994 Visiting Scientist at University of Chicago, James Franck Institute, with Karl F. Freed. 1995–97 Visiting Scientist at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with Ken S. Schweizer. 1998-1999 Visiting Scientist, University of Oregon. 2002-2006 Assistant Professor, University of Oregon. 2006-2012 Associate Professor, University of Oregon. 2012 - present, Professor, University of Oregon.
Honors and Awards:
2018 - present, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
2015 University of Oregon Interdisciplinary Research Award
2015 University of Oregon Faculty Excellence Award
2011 - present, Fellow of the American Physical Society
2010-2013 Editorial Advisory Board of Macromolecules
1985-1988, Italian Ministry of Public Instruction fellow
Memberships: American Chemical Society, American Physical Society, Biophysical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science