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Recent Publications (in the last five years)

Schrum, P, RM Scheller, MJ Duveneck, and MS Lucash. 2020. Base-Hurricane: A new extension for the Landis-II forest landscape model. Environmental Modelling & Software, 104833.

Buma B, SA Weiss, K Hayes and MS Lucash. 2020. Wildland fire reburning trends across the US West suggest only short-term negative feedback and differing climatic effects. Accepted to Environmental Research Letters

Cassell B, RM Scheller MS Lucash, M Hurteau and EL Loudermilk. 2019, Widespread severe wildfires under climate change lead to increased forest homogeneity in dry mixed conifer forests. Ecosphere 10(11): e02934.

Lucash MS, RM Scheller, K Ruckert, R Nicholas and E Smithwick. 2019. Complex interactions among successional trajectories and climate govern spatial resilience after severe windstorms in central Wisconsin, U.S.A Landscape Ecology 34 (12): 2897–2915. doi: 10.1007/s10980-019-00929-1

Lopez Ortiz MJ, T Marcey, MS Lucash, D Hibbs, J PA Shatford and JR Thompson. 2019. Post-fire management affects species composition but not Douglas-fir regeneration in the Klamath Mountains. 432: 1030-1040. doi: S0378112718309095

Lucash MS, RM Scheller, BR Sturtevant, E J Gustafson, AM Kretchun and JR Foster. 2018. More than the sum of its parts: how disturbance interactions shape forest dynamics under climate change. Ecosphere. 9 (6), e02293. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24642-2

Serra-Diaz JM, C Maxwell, MS Lucash, RM Scheller, DM Laflower, AD Miller, AJ Tepley, HE Epstein, KJ Anderson-Teixeira and JR Thompson. 2018. Disequilibrium of fire-prone forests sets the stage for a rapid decline in conifer dominance during the 21st century. Scientific Reports 8:6749. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24642-2

Cantarello E, AC Newton, PA Martin, PM Evans, A Gosal and MS Lucash. 2017. Quantifying resilience of multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity in a temperate forest landscape. Ecology and Evolution. 2017; 7: 9661– 9675. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3491/abstract

Lucash MS, RM Scheller, EJ Gustafson and BS Sturtevant. 2017.  Spatial resilience of forested landscapes under climate change and management. Landscape Ecol.5: 953–969. doi: 10.1007/s10980-017-0501-3

Creutzburg MK, RM Scheller, MS Lucash, S.D. LeDuc and M.G. Johnson. 2017. Forest management scenarios in a changing climate: tradeoffs between carbon, timber, and old forest. Ecological Applications 27: 503-518. doi: 10.1002/eap.1460

Creutzburg MK, RM Scheller, MS Lucash, LB Evers, SD LeDuc and MG Johnson. 2015. Bioenergy harvest, climate change, and forest carbon in the Oregon Coast Range. GCB- Bioenergy. doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12255

Smithwick E, MS Lucash, ML McCormack and G Sivandran. 2014. Improving the representation of roots in climate change models. Eco. Model. 291: 193-204. doi: S0304380014003603