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B.Arch at the New Jersey Institute of Technology
M.Arch at the Architectural Association (UK) 

Mary's research explores the potential of digitally fabricated adaptive infrastructures to support the growth of natural systems within the context of architecture and indoor spaces. Her work ecognizes the importance of living systems in our life through food production, improvement of air quality, and influence on mental health. Rather than seeing nature as a decorative artifact, this work proposes system-based design solutions that act as infrastructure necessary for living systems to integrate into our built environment.

Mary Polites is an educator, architect, and researcher focusing on the integration of architectural design and ecological systems. She is co-director of MAPS (Methods for the Architecture of Patterns and Systems), a design collective specializing in developing innovative design solutions for human and natural systems at all scales. Mary has extensive international experience leading studios, lectures, and seminars related to computational tools and environmental design. Her book “The Rise of Biodesign” analyzes contemporary methodologies developed by Chinese top research institutions to innovate from nature in design.