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Introduction, Speaker Dune Lankard Keynote Address, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (March 2, 2024), Link to Abstract.

Panelist, PNW Framework for Atmospheric Recovery, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (March 1, 2024).

Keynote Address, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law Symposium, University of Pennsylvania (January 20, 2024).

​​​​​​Speaker, Paradigm Shift and the Response of the Judiciary to Climate Change Litigation, International Judicial Conference, Judicial Research and Training Institute (JRTI) of the Supreme Court of Korea, Goyang, Korea (Nov. 29, 2023).

Keynote Address, Vermont Journal of Environmental Law Symposium, Vermont Law School, Royalton, Vermont (November 18, 2023).

Moderator, Rennard Strickland Annual Lecture, University of Oregon School of Law (October 24, 2023).

Speaker, Earth Law Symposium, George Washington University Law School, Washington, DC (September 15, 2023 via Zoom). 

Keynote Address, Joint Workshop on Future Generations Litigation and Transformative Changes in Environmental Governance, ELTE University and Aarhus University, Budapest, Hungary, (by Zoom) June 9, 2023.

Guest Lecture, Climate Justice Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (May 25, 2023).

Guest Lecture, Climate Justice Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (March 7, 2023).

Keynote Address, Environmental Law & the Defense of Nature, Alternative Radio, Eugene, Oregon (March 2, 2023).

Keynote Address, Nature's Trust: Protecting an Ecological Endowment for Posterity, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (March 2, 2023).

Interview with Michael Dunne, Juliana vs. the United States: What’s next?, Oregon on the Record, KLCC (February 17, 2023).

Address, Confronting the other Climate Imperative: An Approach to Sky Cleanup Using Natural Climate Solutions (NCS),  Environmental, Energy, and Natural Resources Law Lecture Series, University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas (January 31, 2023, via Zoom), Abstract linked here.

Moderator, Rennard Strickland Lecture, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (October 24, 2022).

Panelist, Nature’s Imperative and the Climate Emergency, Climate Change:  Legal and Policy Challenges, Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, California (October 22, 2022).
Featured Address, The Oregon Forest Trust: An Ecological Endowment for Posterity, North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection, Eugene, Oregon (October 17, 2022).Presenter, A PNW Atmospheric Recovery Plan, Connect+ Conference, Seaside Convention Center, Seaside, Oregon (September 7, 2022).
Moderator, West Virginia v. EPA: Navigating Climate Action & Administrative Authority in the Wake of the Major Questions Doctrine, O’Connell Conference, Eugene, Oregon (September 30, 2022).

Guest Speaker, The Oregon Forest Trust: An Ecological Endowment for Posterity, North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection (October 17, 2022).

Address, The Public Trust and Chilean Constitutional Rights, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile, and Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile (August 1, 2022). Spanish Translation

Guest Lecturer, Climate Policy Class, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (May 23, 2022).
Participant and Award Recipient, Ceremony Commemorating Normandy Honor for Peace, New York, New York (April 22, 2022, via Zoom).
Guest Speaker, Introduction to the Climate Justice Movement Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (May 19, 2022).
Environmental Distinguished Visitor, Lewis and Clark School of Law, Portland, Oregon (Spring 2022). Link to Essay
Presenter, Wisconsin International Law Journal Symposium: US Law and Climate Change, University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, Wisconsin (April 1, 2022, via Zoom).
Presenter, Environmental Justice: At the Intersection of Climate Change and Public Health, Saint Louis University School of Law, Saint Louis, Missouri (March 4, 2022, via Zoom).
Guest Speaker, University of Oregon Honors Class, Eugene, Oregon (November 22, 2021).
Award Recipient, Oregon State Bar Awards Ceremony (October 28, 2021, via Zoom).
Presenter, Climate Catastrophe and the Role of Lawyers, Solomon’s Legacy Society (CLE credit) (October 27, 2021, via Zoom).
Guest Speaker, Protect. Preserve. Conserve. Climate Change and the Public Trust, The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland's Solomon's Legacy Society (October 27, 2021, via Zoom).
Guest Speaker, Ocean and Coastal Law Class, Eugene, Oregon (September 27, 2021).
Panelist, The Heat Is On Stepping It Up on Climate, Avoiding Congressional Gridlock & Getting It Done Without Delay, A Kick-Off Event for the Road to the White House No-Excuses Tour [An All-Out Climate Protection and Restoration Initiative Effort to Galvanize], University of Oregon School of Law Environmental and Natural Resources Center (September 14, 2021, via Zoom).

Featured Speaker, Premiere of the Spring Creek Project documentary, "Bedrock Rights: A New Foundation for Global Action Against Fracking and Climate Change" (June 2, 2021).

Featured Speaker, Atmospheric Trust Litigation Against Governments Worldwide to Force Action on Climate Change, Czech Republic Academy of Sciences (May 13, 2021).

Guest Lecture, Topics in the Sociology of Climate Change, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (November 23, 2020).

Interview, Climate Emergency and the Law, Ostrom Institute of Enterprise and the Environment, London, England (December 7, 2020).

Nature’s Trust, Inalienable Rights, and Democracy’s Legacy to Future Generations, Democracy Unchained Series, The State Of American Democracy Project, North Water Productions (December 4, 2020).

Guest Lecture, Honors Symposium, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (November 24, 2020).

Presentation, Climate Citizenship, OSPIRG, Eugene, Oregon (November 13, 2020).

Guest Lecture, Environmental Law, Boston College Law School, Boston, Massachusetts (November 2, 2020).

Distinguished Speaker, Earth in Trust:  Inalienable Rights for a Collective Ecological Future, Widener University Law School, Distinguished Environmental Lecture Series (November 19, 2020).

Presentation, The Public Trust Principle and Constitutional Approaches Worldwide, Korean Environmental Law Association and Korean Environmental Institute, National Assembly, Seoul, South Korea (October 27, 2020).

Keynote Address, “'On the Eve of Destruction’”: Courts Confronting the Climate Emergency, Ralph F. Fuchs Endowed Lecture, Indiana University Bloomington Law School, Bloomington, Indiana (October 23, 2020). Juliaan v. United States 9/13/16 Transcript.

Guest Speaker, Wildlife Law Class, Indiana University Bloomington Law School, Bloomington, Indiana (October 22, 2020).

Guest Speaker, Conservation Law Clinic, Indiana University Bloomington Law School, Bloomington, Indiana (October 22, 2020).

Workshop Speaker, Ostrom Workshop and Environmental Resilience Institute,  Indiana University Bloomington Law School, Bloomington, Indiana (October 22, 2020).

Panelist, Holding Producers Accountable for Natural Resource Damages: PCB, MTBE, PFAS, and Climate Liability as Guidance for Atmospheric Recovery Litigation, University of Oregon Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (May 8, 2020 by Zoom), view here.

Keynote Address, Ralph F. Fuchs Endowed Lecture, Indiana University Bloomington Law School, Bloomington, Indiana (March 11, 2020).

Panelist, Climate Change and the Law:  Advancing the Claims in Juliana v. United States, Public Interest  Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon  (March 5, 2020) (postponed).

Featured Guest, The Thom Hartmann Program, Interview with Thom Hartmann (January 28, 2020).

Lecture, Social Problems Class, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (Nov. 22, 2019).

Featured Speaker, Undergraduate Wayne Morse Scholars, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (April 5, 2019).

Featured Speaker, The Children’s Climate Trial, Springfield City Club, Springfield, Oregon (March 14, 2019).

Guest Speaker, Juliana v. United States, University of Idaho Environmental Law Society (March 6, 2019).

Presentation, Chernaik v. Brown: Atmospheric Trust Litigation Before the Oregon Supreme Court, Lewis and Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon (November 7, 2019).

Guest Lecture, Environmental Advocacy Class, Stetson University College of Law, Tampa, Florida (February 12, 2019) (Zoom).

Guest Speaker, Climate Change and the Courts (Series), University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (February 11, 2019).

Guest Lecturer, Environmental Advocacy Class, Stetson University College of Law (February 4, 2019).

Opening Remarks, Workshop on Landscape Carbon Sequestration for Atmospheric Recovery, University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon (October 25, 2019).

Climate in the Courts, Featured Speaker, Oregon State University Combined Classes (May 13, 2019).

Featured Speaker, Tribal Legal Levers in the Climate Emergency, Washington (May 8, 2019).

Earth Day Address, South Eugene High School, Eugene, Oregon (April 25, 2019).

Welcome Remarks, From Wolves to the Warning to Humanity: Facing the Environmental Crisis Through Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (April 22, 2019).

Ideas on the Tap, University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History Monthly Conversation, (April 3, 2019).

Sustainability Fair and Town Hall, Keynote Speaker, (March 7, 2019).

University of Washington Higher Education Sustainability Conference, Juliana v. United States Using Constitutional Rights to Force Climate Recovery, (February 25-27, 2019).

U-Tube Presentation, Developing a Prescription for Climate Recovery as a Goal for Atmospheric Trust Litigation, BiFrost Online (September 20, 2018).

Speaker, Climate Change, the Courts, and the Paris Agreement, Sabin Center, Columbia University (by live-stream video) (September 26, 2018).

On the Media WNYC Studio, Interview with Brooke Gladstone, (November 9, 2018).

KLCC NPR for Oregonians Interview, City Club of Eugene: Report from Our Children’s Trust Climate Trial (November 9, 2018).

Featured Speaker, “What do these Kids Want? Report from the Our Childrens’ Trust Trial”, Eugene City Club, Eugene, Oregon (upcoming, November 9, 2018).

Keynote Speaker, “Climate Change and the Courts: Information Hour, Our Children’s Trust and the Juliana v. U.S. Youth Plaintiffs”,  Wildish Theater, Eugene, Oregon (November 7, 2018).

The Thom Hartmann Program, Interview with Thom Hartmann, (@58minutes) (October 31, 2018).

KBOO Radio, Interview with Laure Mercier, Mary Wood on Juliana v Gov. (October 22, 2018).

Featured Speaker, “A Briefing for Students on the Juliana v. United States case”, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon (October 16, 2018).

Featured Speaker, Climate Change and Public Trust Litigation, Oregon State Bar Environmental and Natural Resource Section’s Executive Committee Annual CLE, Portland, OR (October 11, 2018).

Featured Speaker, Global Ethics Webcast Series, Catholic Television (Webcast forthcoming, October 11, 2018).

Introduction, “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code," Documentary presented by Native American Student Union (NASU), Eugene, Oregon (October 8, 2018).

Featured Speaker, Atmospheric Trust Litigation Update, Northwest Environmental Defense Center (September 19, 2018).

Speaker, Juliana v. USA: Public Trust Doctrine and Global Climate Change, Geography Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (May 31, 2018).

Guest Lecturer, Climate Policy, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (May 22, 2018).

Atmospheric Recovery Litigation, Bedrock Lecture Series (U-Tube), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR (May 23, 2018).

Featured Speaker, Youth-Led Climate Cases: Atmospheric Trust Litigation Around the World, Bedrock Lectures on Human Rights and Climate Change, Corvallis, Oregon (May 16, 2018).

Speaker, Youth and Climate Justice Conference, University of Rhode Island, Providence, RI (May 10, 2018).

Presenter, Jumpstarting an Atmospheric Recovery Plan, Ecotrust, Portland, OR (April 30, 2018).

Keynote Speaker, Atmospheric Recovery:  A Multidisciplinary Effort to Save the Planet’s Climate System, University of Oregon Climate Change Research Symposium, Eugene, Oregon (April 25, 2018).

Speaker, Using the Law to Spur Climate Recovery, Climate Justice League’s Climate Change Teach-in, Eugene, Oregon (April 24, 2018).

Speaker, FSU Law Review Rehearing, Tallahassee, Florida (April 13, 2018) (by Skype).

Speaker, The Public Trust in the 21st Century: Driving an Atmospheric Recovery Plan to Respond to Climate Disruption, The George Washington University Law School Symposium, Washington, DC (April 13, 2018) (by Skype).

Speaker, Columbia Green Owl Discussion: The Public Trust Doctrine and Law in a New Ecological Age, Columbia Law School, New York, New York (March 22, 2018) (by Skype). Link: Facebook.

Keynote Speaker, Leadership in Action: Environment Social Justice, Eugene, OR (March 6, 2018).

Panelist, Atmospheric Recovery: A Conceptual Approach, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, OR (March 2, 2018).

Panelist, The Great Lakes’ States Surprising Struggles with the Core Public Trust Doctrine, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon (March 2, 2018).

Speaker, Tribal Tools & Legal Levers for Halting Fossil Fuel Transports & Exports Through the Pacific Northwest, University of Oregon Tribal Workshop on Ports and Pipelines, Eugene, Oregon (March 1, 2018).

Guest Lecture, Environmental Advocacy Class, Stetson University College of Law, Tampa, FL (February 27, 2018).

Keynote Address, The Youth’s Engagement in Climate Crisis, ECCO High School, Eugene, OR (February 16, 2018).

Speaker, Atmospheric Trust Litigation Update, Public Interest Environmental Conference, Gainesville, FL (February 9, 2018) (by Skype).

Featured Speaker, Atmospheric Recovery Litigation, Oregon County Counsels Association (OCCA) Annual Meeting, Eugene, Oregon (November 16, 2017).

Speaker, Public Forum: State, Local, and Private Powers: Climate Change, University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, Washington (November 14, 2017).

Keynote Address, Community Stewardship:  The Interdependence of Land and People, Friends of Buford Park and Mt. Pisgah Annual Fall Gathering, Eugene, Oregon (November 6, 2017).

Guest Lecture, LLM Seminar, Lewis and Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon (October 31, 2017).

Participant, Roundtable on Climate Change and the Arctic, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California (October 27-28, 2017).

Participant, Works-in-Progress Conference, Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program, University of Oregon School of Law, Portland, Oregon (October 27, 2017).

Featured Speaker, Protecting the Planet’s Climate, Trinity for the Elderwise, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, Oregon (October 19, 2017).

2017 Annual Getches-Wilkinson Center Distinguished Lecture, Atmospheric Trust Litigation:  Securing a Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate System,  Distinguished Lecture, University of Colorado Law, Boulder, Colorado (September 20, 2017).

Keynote Address, The Commons and Taking Care of it, Globethics Webcast Series, Catholic Internet Television Network (October 16, 2017).

Speaker, Atmospheric Trust Litigation to Address Climate Emergency, Lawyers and Climate Change, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, DC (Apr. 28, 2017).

Speaker, Prospectus for an Atmospheric Recovery Institute, University of Oregon Climate Change Research Symposium, Eugene, Oregon (Apr. 26, 2017).

Speaker, Young People’s Rights in Climate Emergency, Climate Justice League’s Climate Change Teach-in, Eugene, Oregon (Apr. 19, 2017).

Keynote Address, Nature’s Trust, Our Children’s Trust: A Climate Forum on Litigation to Save the Future, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, Oregon (Apr. 13, 2017).

Guest Lecture, Pollution Science Class, California State University, Chico, Chico, California (Mar. 23, 2017).

Keynote, Our Sustainable Future Conference, Institute for Sustainable Development, California State University, Chico, California (March 23, 2017).

Keynote Speaker, Appalachian Studies Association Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia (March 9-12, 2017).

Guest Lecture, Geography, Law, and the Environment Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (Mar. 9, 2017).

Guest Lecture, Principles of Wildlife Conservation Class, Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, Oregon (by Skype, Mar. 7, 2017).

Speaker, “The Avenues of Climate Change Litigation and the Promotion of Climate Justice Through Law,” Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon (March 4, 2017).

Interview with Silver Don Cameron, The Green Interview (March 6, 2017).

Speaker, Death by Discretion: Toxic Trespass, Human Rights & the Public Trust Doctrine, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon (Mar. 2-5, 2017).

Guest Lecture, Environmental Advocacy Class, Stetson University College of Law, Tampa, Florida (Feb. 21, 2017).

Featured Speaker (by Skype), Stanford Law School Environmental Law Speaker Series, Stanford University, Stanford, California (Feb. 15, 2017).

“Atmospheric Trust Litigation Underway Around the World,” American Association of Law Schools Annual Conference, San Francisco, California (January 5, 2017).

Keynote Address, Teach the World/Tend the World: K-12 Educator Conference, Portland, Oregon (December 3, 2016).

Guest Lecture, Social Problems Class, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (December 2, 2016).

Keynote Address, ‘Nature’s Trust, Public Trust,’ Our Land 2 Conference, Agrarian Trust, Santa Fe, New Mexico (November 14, 2016).

Speaker (by Skype), The Public Trust:  A Global Principle of Property Law, The Legal Implications of the State as a Custodian, Johannesburg, South Africa (October 28, 2016).

Moderator, Climate in Court:  A Convening of Renowned Climate Experts, Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, Eugene, Oregon (September 12, 2016).

The Planet on the Docket, Presentation to South Eugene High School, (September. 9, 2016).

The Planet on the Docket, Presentatino to Churchill High School classes, (September 9, 2016).

Keynote Address, League of Women Voters OR & WA 2016 Joint Council, Portland, Oregon (June 4, 2016).

Speaker, Environmental Governance Part II: Earth Law and the Public Trust Doctrine (May 24, 2016).

Keynote Address  The Children’s Climate Crusade in the Courts:  Atmospheric Trust Litigation, League of Women Voters, Eugene, Oregon  (April 21, 2016).

Guest Lecture, Land Trusts and Conservation Easements Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (April 11, 2016).

The Public Trust:  An Overview,” Break Free Teach In (Webinar) (March 31, 2016).

Presenter, Martz Winter Symposium: A Celebration of the Work of Charles Wilkinson, University of Colorado Law School, Boulder, Colorado (March 11, 2016).

Guest Speaker, “A New Parenting Approach in Face of Climate Emergency,”  South Eugene High School Parents’ Council, Eugene, Oregon (March 10, 2016).

Guest Speaker, “Predators and the Public Trust,” Public International Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon(March 3-6, 2016).

Speaker (SKYPE), Lance Long’s Environmental Advocacy Class, Stetson University (February 8, 2016).

SOCAN Presentation (Southern Oregon Climate Action Now), October 2015 | Download Powerpoint Presentation (265MB).

Guest Speaker, Corvallis League of Women Voters, Corvallis, Oregon (April 30, 2015).

Featured Speaker, 2015 Straub Environmental Lecture Series, Salem Public Library, Salem, Oregon (December 1, 2015).

Guest Lecture, Climate Policy Class, University of Oregon (November 12, 2015).

Keynote Speaker, Asserting Public Trust Rights to Secure Our Climate Future, Sierra Club Community Lecture, Bellingham, Washington (November 5, 2015).

Guest Lecture, “The Indian Trust and Fossil Fuel Export Projects in the Pacific Northwest,” Northwest Indian College, Bellingham, Washington (November 6, 2015).

Guest Lecture, “The Public Trust and Climate Crisis,” Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington (November 5, 2015).

Featured Speaker, Nature's Trust:  Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age, UNA Iowa Conference, Des Moines, Iowa (October 23, 2015).

Featured Speaker, Nature's Trust:  Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age, Iowa Law Faculty, Iowa City, Iowa (October 22, 2015).

Guest Lecturer, Climate Change and Your Future, Biology Class, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (October 22, 2015).

Keynote Address, ‘Asserting Public Trust Rights to Secure our Climate Future,’ Southern Oregon Climate Action Now (SOCAN), Medford, Oregon (October 13, 2015).

Keynote Address, “Nature’s Trust: A Legal and Sacred Covenant to Protect Earth’s Climate System for Future Generations,” Presidential Conference on the Integrity of Creation Conference, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (October 2, 2015). power point speech

Panelist, Law Track Ecological Civilization Conference, Claremont, California (June 4-7, 2015).

Featured speaker, “Eugene, Oregon: The Epicenter of a Global Climate Movement, ”University of Oregon’s Museum of Natural and Cultural History, “Ideas on Tap,” Eugene, Oregon (June 3, 2015).

Invited Speaker, Several Events in Central Oregon, Bend, Oregon (May 20 and 21, 2015).

Guest Lecture, “Claiming Your Climate Future,” Bend High School, Bend, Oregon (May 21, 2015).

Guest Lecture, “Claiming Your Climate Future,” Sisters High School, Sisters, Oregon (May 21, 2015).

Featured Speaker, “Climate Crisis and the Role of the Judiciary in Formulating a Meaningful Remedy in Atmospheric Trust Cases,” Bend Inns of Court, Bend, Oregon (May 20, 2015).

Featured Guest, “Coffee &  Conversation with the Environmental Community,” Environmental Center, Bend, Oregon (May 20, 2015).

Featured Speaker, “Youth Engagement in Climate Action,” Presentation to Students, First Presbyterian Church, Bend, Oregon (May 20, 2015).

Guest Lecture, Environmental Politics and Policies, Oregon State University-Cascades, Bend, Oregon (May 20, 2015).

“What are the Economic Realities of Climate Change and What should Businesses be Doing Now?” Discussion with Local Businesses, Sponsored by Citizens Climate Lobby, Bend, Oregon

Nancy R. Chandler Visiting Scholar Lecture, “Nature's Trust, Climate Change & The Law: The Public Trust Doctrine & Oregon’s Climate Future,” Central Oregon Community College Foundation, Bend, Oregon (May 19, 2015).

Featured Speaker, “Nature's Trust, Climate Change & The Law: The Public Trust Doctrine & Oregon’s Climate Future,” Nancy R. Chandler Visiting Scholar Program at COCC Foundation, Bend, Oregon (May 19, 2015).

Speaker, Rethinking Race in the Anthropocene, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (May 2­9, 2015).

Keynote Address, Hope in Action Youth Conference, Regional Oregon Green Schools, Eugene, Oregon (May 12, 2015).

Guest Speaker, Wildlife Biology Class, Umpqua Community College (May 12, 2015) (by Skype).

Guest Speaker, “Nature’s Trust, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (April 30, 2015).  Sponsored by Oregon State University SHPR – School of History Philosophy & Religion, Spring Creek Project and League Women Voters of Corvallis Presents

Speaker, International Litigation Against Carbon Polluters, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon (March 5, 2015).

Speaker, Creative Disruption, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon (March 5, 2015).

David Geitgey Sierralupe, ”Public Trust Doctrine,” Occupy Radio Interview (April 29, 2015).

Featured Guest with Russ Donnelly, "Natures Trust,"  Radio-KPOV, Bend, Oregon (April 16, 2015).

Featured Speaker, Public Trust Conference, Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon (April 10, 2015).

Featured Guest Speaker, Environmental Pillar Workshop – Natural Resources, Environment and the Public Trust Doctrine, Group of the Pillar, Ireland (Skype) (March 19, 2015).

Guest Lecture, Land, Trust and Conservation Easement Course, Professor Ben Miller, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (March 16, 2015).

Guest Speaker, EGA's Federal Policy Briefing, Washington, DC (February 25, 2015).

Featured Guest Podcast, Global Energy and Environmental Law (Feb. 20, 2015).

Guest Speaker, “Environmental Politics Class,” Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (February 13, 2015).

Guest Speaker, “ATL,” Street Law Classes at South Eugene High School, Eugene, Oregon (February 12, 2015).

Speaker, “First Friday Lunch,” Wayne Morse Scholars, Eugene, Oregon (February 6, 2015).

2015 Speaker, “Cropping UP:  Exploring Food Right in your Backyard and Around the World,” University of Oregon. Journal of Environment Law and Litigation, Green Business Initiative Conference, Eugene, Oregon (February 6, 2015).

Speaker (SKYPE), Lance Long’s Environmental Advocacy Class, Stetson University (February 3, 2015).

Guest Speaker, "Nature's Trust Doctrine," Eugene City Club Program, Eugene, Oregon (January 30, 2015).

Guest Speaker, Wildlife Biology Class, Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, Oregon (January 13, 2015) (by Skype).

Featured Guest, The Children’s Climate Crusade, Bill Moyers and Company Program (January 1, 2015).Bill Moyer's Program

Featured speaker on Nature’s Trust, Is Environmental Law Working Anymore?, Oregon State Bar CLE, Portland, Oregon (December 11, 2014).

Guest Speaker, Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions and Everyday Life, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (November 24, 2014).

Guest Lecture, Science and Politics of Climate Change Class, University of Oregon (November 11, 2014).

Keynote Address, Douglas County Global Warming Coalition, Roseburg, Oregon (November 6, 2014).

Guest Lecture, Science and Politics of Climate Change Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (November 4, 2014).

Keynote Address, Nature's Trust:  Environmental Law for the New Ecological Age, Lecture Series, Wallace Stegner Center for Land, Resources and the Environment, University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law (Oct. 23, 2014).

Speaker, University of Toledo College of Law, Toledo, Ohio (October 9, 2014).

Featured Guest, Gathering at University of Illinois School of Law, Champaign, Illinois (October 10, 2014).

Speaker, Emerging Models for Indian Trust Administration, The Future of Trust Administration Conference, Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, Washington (October 3, 2014).

Speaker, Prairie Rivers Network, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois (October 10, 2014).

Speaker, Trust Reform Symposium, Seattle University and Intertribal Timber Council, Seattle, Washington (October 3, 2014).

Speaker, Portland People's Climate March, Portland Oregon (September 22, 2014).

Charge to the Crowd, Portland Climate Rally, Portland, Oregon (September 21, 2014).

Bill Moyer Show, Spotlights Nature's Trust and features Atmospheric Trust Litigation  (September 19th, 2014). Excerpt of Nature's Trust

Guest Lecture, "Nature's Trust Doctrine," Yachats Academy of Arts and Sciences, Yachats, Oregon (September 7, 2014).

Keynote Address, ENVS Joint Campus Conference, EMU, Eugene, Oregon (May 30, 2014).

Keynote Address, “Nature’s Trust,” Public Trust Workshop, Cornell University (May 14-16, 2014).

Guest Lecture, Environmental Politics Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (May 12, 2014).

Guest Speaker, Sustainability Concepts Across Disciplines course, sponsored by the Sustainable Cities Initiative, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (May 2, 2014).

Nature's Trust and the Heart of Humanity, Earth Sunday Address to the Congregation, First United Methodist, Eugene, Oregon (April 27, 2014).

H241 Boehl Distinguished Lecturer in Land Use Policy, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky (Thursday, April 10, 2014).

KKeynote Address, The Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and the Yale Climate and Energy Institute speaker series titled, The Climate and Energy Bookshelf, Yale Law School, New Haven, Connecticut (April 3, 2014).

Keynote Address, Braiding Indian Trust and Public Trust Obligations with Environmental Law, Tribal Leaders' Summit with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1, video conference (April 1, 2014).

Keynote Address, 32nd Annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene Oregon (February 27 – March 2, 2014).

Keynote Addressr, Center for Earth's Justice (CEJ) Conference "Future Generations, Public Lands, Public Water, Public Trust," Barry University School of Law, Orlando, Florida (February 7, 2014). Video Conference.

Featured Speaker, The Collaborative on Health and the Environment, "Nature's Trust: Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age" (February 4, 2014).

Guest Lecture, Environmental Advocacy Class, Stetson Law School (by Skype) (February 3, 2014).

Guest Speaker, LLM Environmental Law class, Vermont Law School (by Skype) (January 29, 2014).

Guest Lecture, Atmospheric Trust Litigation, Spencer Butte Middle School 6th Grade Class, Eugene, Oregon (January. 14, 2014).

Speaker, EarthKeepers' Meeting, Unitarian Church, Eugene, Oregon (January 9, 2014).

Speaker, Nature's Trust Book Signing, McCall Public Library, McCall, Idaho (January 2, 2014).

Keynote Address, "Nature's Trust, Climate Change & The Law," World Affairs Council, Portland, Oregon (December 3, 2013).

Participant, Oregon Historical Society, A Celebration of Oregon Authors,  December 1, 2013, Portland, Oregon.  For more information click here.

Nature's Trust, Book Reading and Signing, Wayne Morse Commons, University of Oregon Knight Law Center, Eugene, Oregon (November 19, 2013).

Keynote Address, Environmental Law and Justice Symposium, Florida A&M College of Law, Orlando, Florida (November 7-8, 2013) (Expanded bio) (PDF of Speech) (video of Speech).

Guest Lecture, Environmental Law Class, University of Oregon School of Law (Oct. 31, 2013).

Guest Lecture, Science and Politics of Climate Change Class, University of Oregon (October 29, 2013).

Keynote Address, "Nature's Trust: Environmental Law for an Ecological Age," 2013 Tribal Environmental Summit, Spokane, Washington (October 10, 2013). View PFD

Public Address, "Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age," Gonzaga University School of Law, Spokane, Washington (October 10, 2013). For a description of the talk, Click Here. For more media coverage of the event, click here.

Keynote Address, "The Federal Indian Trust Doctrine and Natural Resources Law", 2013 Tribal Environmental Summit, Spokane, Washington, (October 10, 2013). To view the presentation click here.

Keynote Speaker, Nature’s Trust: Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age, Spokane, Washington (October 9, 2013).

Guest Speaker, "Hangout" with Prof. Hornstein, Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy class on Coursera, MOOC (SKYPE) (September 28, 2013).

Guest Lecture, Land Trust and Conservation Easement Law Class, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (March 13, 2013).

“Land Trust and Conservation Easement Law.” University of Oregon School of law, Eugene, Oregon, (March 13, 2013).

“Media Matters.” Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, (March 2, 2013).

Guest Lecture, Environmental Advocacy Class, Stetson University College of Law, Tampa, Florida, (February 25, 2013) (by Skype). 

Guest Lecture, Climate Accountability, Public Opinion, and Legal Strategies Workshop, Union of Concerned Scientists, La Jolla, California (June 14 -15, 2012). 

“Tribal Sovereignty, Reserved Rights, and Environmental Protection,” National Indian Timber Symposium, Warm Springs, Oregon, (May 17, 2012).

Invited speaker for Earth Day event, “Stories of TRUST: Calling for Climate Recovery,” Bijou Theater, Eugene, OR, (April 25, 2012).

Guest Lecture, Climate Law and Policy Class, Vermont Law School, (April 12, 2012) (by video conference).

“Taking the Long View When Allocating Water Resources,” Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, OR (March 1-4, 2012).

“New Directions in Environmental Law: [Re]Claiming Accountability,” Yale Law Environmental Conference, (Febuary 24-25, 2012).

“Victory Speeches for Climate Crisis,” Montana Powershift, Missoula, Montana, (February 18, 2012).

“Green Living-Getting Children Involved,” Good Earth Home and Garden Show, Lane County Fairgrounds, Eugene, Oregon (January 21, 2012).

"Nature's Trust: Environmental Law for an Ecological Age," Keynote Address, Ideas Matter Series, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (February 17, 2011).

"The Politics of Climate Change," Address, Environmental Politics, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (October 28, 2011).

Invited participant, "The Commons Law Project," Bennington, Vermont (October 27-30, 2011).

"Guest Lecture, International Environmental Law, Chapman Law School, (October 25, 2011) (by video conference).

"Ethical Dilemmas in a New Ecological Age," Oregon Planning Institute, "Planning with Purpose," Eugene, Oregon (September 15, 2011).

"Local Food Production and Regulation," JELL Symposium, "The Local Revolution: How Relationship and Legal Policies are Creating Sustainable Communities Around the Country", Eugene, Oregon (September 9, 2011).

"Climate and the Law," Panel Presentation, AREDAY Summit, "Putting the Green in Green – Monetizing Carbon in the Global Economy," Aspen, Colorado (August 18-21, 2011).

"Tribes and the Federal Trust Relationship: Thoughts about Its Past, Present, and Future," Panel Presentation, Tribes as Sovereign Governments in an Unstable Political Environment, Native Leadership Forum, Temecula, CA (June 2-3, 2011).

Tour Commentary, Columbia River Gorge Speaking Tour, Natural Resources Law Teachers Institute, Stevenson, Washington (May 25-27, 2011).

Interview with Viv Benton, "The Good Life,"" Australia Radio, 3WBC, (May 12, 2011).

Environment 2050 Interview with David Rejeski, Director, Science and Technology Innovation Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (April 26, 2011).

"Atmospheric Trust Litigation," Video-conference Keynote Address, "Climate Change Law Conference," University of California, Irvine School of Law, Irvine, California (April 1, 2011).

"Nature's Trust: Environmental Law for the New Ecological Age," Address, UC Davis Law Review Symposium: The Public Trust Doctrine, Davis, California (March 4, 2011).

"Alternative Agriculture: Urban Farming & Micro-Ranching," Panel Presentation, "Food Justice, Security, and Sustainability," Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics (February 19-21, 2011). Click here for Professor Wood's memo on microlivestock.

"Nature's Trust: Environmental Law for an Ecological Age," Keynote Address, Ideas Matter Series, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (February 17, 2011). View PDF

"Climate Crisis and Citizenship," Fort Nightly Club, First Congregational Church, Eugene, Oregon (February 17, 2011).

"The Politics of Climate Change," Address, Environmental Politics, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (February 15, 2011).

"Microlivestock and the Urban Homestead: Bringing Meat and Dairy to the Neighborhood," Interview, UO Today, Eugene, Oregon (February 8, 2011).

"Green Living – Getting Children Involved," Address, Green Home Show, Eugene, Oregon (January 22, 2011).

"Local Food Sovereignty," St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Eugene, Oregon (November 3, 2010).

Panel presentation, Eugene Local and Green Community Conference, Eugene (October 30, 2010).

"Climate Change and the Role of Victory Congregations," Video-Conference Keynote Address, "Planet in Crisis: Mercy Response," Sisters of Mercy Justice Conference, Biddeford Pool, Maine (October 30, 2010). Click here to view Mercy Northeast bimonthly publication.

"The Politics of Climate Change," Address, Environmental Politics, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (October 27, 2010).

Environmental Politics Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (October 27, 2010).

Introduction, Speaker Dr. James Hansen, co-sponsored by the ENR Center and Morse Center for Law & Politics, on Climate Ethics and Equity Theme of Inquiry, UO Law School (October 16, 2010). Click Here for Introduction.

"The Planet On Your Docket, Atmospheric Trust Workshop," University of Oregon, (October 15, 2010).

“Urban Homesteading and Microlivestock,” Panel Presentation, Cultivating Our Future: New Landscapes in Food and Agricultural Law and Policy, Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation Symposium, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (October 1, 2010).

Opening Address and Panel Presentation, "Urban Homesteading and Microlivestock," Cultivating Our Future: New Landscapes in Food and Agricultural Law and Policy, Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation Symposium,University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (October 1, 2010).

"The Public Trust in Oceans: A Potential Judicial Role," Ocean Impacts of Climate Change: Science, People and Policy, Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics Symposium cosponsored by PISCO: Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans and the UO School of Law (September 10, 2010).

Interview with Jose Espinosa for “USA Green Stories,” Voice of America (documentary) (June 10, 2010).

"Climate Crisis and Citizenship," Eugene Rotary Club, Eugene, Oregon (June 8, 2010).

"Urban Homesteading for Kids," 4J School, Eugene, Oregon (June 8, 2010). Click here for Citizens not ConsumersClick here for Urban Homesteading Menu.

Interview with John Concillo for “William O. Douglas: Liberty and Wilderness,” Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission (documentary forthcoming 2011) (June 2, 2010).

Official testimony on microlivestock ordinance before the Eugene City Council, Eugene, Oregon (May 24, 2010).

"The Politics of Climate Change," Address, Environmental Politics, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (April 30, 2010).

How the International Law of Badminton Saved Endangered Species Habitat," Address, "Crisis and Collaboration: Environmental Decision Making in a Rapidly Changing Landscape" A Series of Fireside Conversations, Eugene, Oregon (April 21, 2010).

Moderator, "Climate Change: What Are Our Representatives Doing?" Climate Crisis Working Group Public Forum, Eugene, Oregon (April 7, 2010).

"Climate Change and Food Security," Address, Lane County Food Policy Council, Eugene, Oregon (April 6, 2010).

Panelist, "Intergenerational Equality: Saving the Planet for Future Generations," Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics Symposium, Eugene, Oregon (March 11, 2010).

"Actions by Individuals, Businesses, NGO's, and Governmental Bodies," Panel Presentation, "Globalization, Economic Justice, and Climate Change," 2010 Trina Grillo Retreat, Eugene, Oregon (March 7, 2010).

"The Public Trust: 1,500 Years Old and Still Kicking," Panel Presentation, "Recover Renew Reimagine," 28th Annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, Oregon (February 26, 2010).

"Climate Change and Food Security," Panel Presentation, City of Eugene Food Security Town Hall, Eugene, Oregon (February 17, 2010).

"Raising Citizens Not Consumers," Good Earth Home Show, Eugene, Oregon (January 23, 2010). Click here for the Citizens Not Consumers handout.

"Government's Atmospheric Trust Responsibility," Climate Ethics and Law Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (November 23, 2009).

"Atmospheric Trust Litigation: A Strategy to Fight Climate Change," Video-Conference Keynote Address, ART Climate Workshop, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (November 23, 2009).

"People-powered Politics," Keynote Address, Powershift West Rally, Eugene, Oregon (November 8, 2009).

"Agribusiness and Local Farming: The Effects of Food on Climate Change," Panelist, Powershift West Summit, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (November 7, 2009).

"Political Action, Youth Empowerment," Panelist, Powershift West Summit, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (November 7, 2009).

"Victory Speakers," Journalism Class, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (November 3, 2009).

"350 Day! Artists for Climate Action," Hult Center, Eugene, Oregon (October 24, 2009). See story by Johnny Kilroy on the Tenthmil Blog, Three Fifty! (Jan. 2, 2010),

"Climate Policy: What if Politics Fail Us?,"Dialogue with James McCarthy and Dale Jamieson, Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (October 22, 2009).

"Nature's Trust as a Paradigm Shift in Environmental and Natural Resources Law," Video-conference Address, Georgetown Environmental Workshop (October 8, 2009).

Dialogue Participant, "Community Conversation on the Ethics of Climate Change, Community Philosophy Institutes, University of Oregon Philosophy Department, Eugene, Oregon (October 3, 2009).

"Climate Crisis and Citizenship," Emerald Empire Kiwanis Club, Eugene, Oregon (September 17, 2009).

Panel Moderator, Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation Symposium, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (September 11, 2009).

"Nature's Trust and Planetary Patriotism," Address, Grade School History Club, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (June 3, 2009).

“The Environment as a Public Trust: Climate Change & Planetary Solutions for Survival,” interview with Sue Supriano, (July 13, 2009); distributed on WINGS (Women’s International News Gathering Service), (July 26, 2009).

"Victory Congregations: Voicing the Sacred Trust Covenant in Climate Defense," Address, St. Thomas More Newman Center, Eugene, Oregon (May 19, 2009).

"The Politics of Climate Change," Address, Environmental Politics, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (May 4, 2009).

"Victory Congregations: Voicing the Sacred Trust Covenant in Climate Defense," Earth Sunday Address, First United Methodist Church, Eugene, Oregon (May 3, 2009).Download the Speech

"Environmental Benefits of Local Food Production," Address, Church Women United, First United Methodist Church, Eugene, Oregon (April 3, 2009).

"A Trust Paradigm for a New Presidency," Presentation, Beyond the Discrimination Frame: Effective Strategies for Redress in the 21st Century Symposium, Henderson Center for Social Justice, UC Berkeley School of Law, Berkeley, California (March 13, 2009).

Opening Remarks and Introductions, Climate Crisis Working Group, Harris Hall, Eugene, Oregon (March 11, 2009); Forum aired on Community Television of Lane County, Cable Channel 29 (April 15 & 22, 2009).

“The Politics of Climate Change,” interview with Laurie Mercier, KBOO 90.7FM, (March 2, 2009).

"Perfection v. Survival: A Lawyer's Role in the Age of Global Warming," Address, Environmental and Land Use Section of the Lane County Bar Association (February 25, 2009).

"The Climate Victory Speakers," Address, League of Women Voters, Eugene, Oregon (February 19, 2009).

"A Political Paradigm for the New Administration," Address, Environmental Politics, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (February 17, 2009).

Bridging Law and Science in the Face of Climate Emergency," Address, "Sustainable Solutions," A Series of Fireside Conversations on Global Warming, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (February 12, 2009).For more information, please visit Meeting Nature's Mandate 

“The Trust Approach to Environmental Decision Making,” Presentation, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (February 27, 2009).

"Environmental Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution," Lecture to Alternative Dispute Resolution Masters Program Students, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (January 26, 2009). | Download Powerpoint Presentation.

"Carbon-Cutting for Your Future," Address, Edgewood Community School, Eugene, Oregon (December 11, 2008).

"Act Locally, Think Globally: How Nature's Trust Can Seed Relocalization and Pollinate Planetary Patriotism," Address, Post Carbon Eugene, Eugene, OR (December 10, 2008).

"Tribal History and U.S. History," Address, Grade School History Club, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (December 2, 2008).

"Government's Atmospheric Trust Obligation," Address, Environmental Planners and Policymakers, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (November 21, 2008).

"Government's Atmospheric Trust Responsibility," Keynote Address, J.E.L.L. Climate Change Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (October 19, 2007).

Public Trust Workshop, Northwest Environmental Defense Center, Westwind Camp, OR (October 11, 2008).

"The Atmosphere and the Public Trust: Atmospheric Trust Litigation," Keynote Address, Reunion Weekend, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, OR (October 10, 2008).

Speaker, Climate Briefing to Lane County Commissioners, Eugene, Oregon (September 17, 2008).

"Federal Indian Law and Policy," Seminar for US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC (August 26, 2008).

"Idaho's Atmospheric Trust Obligation," Public Keynote Address, Sponsored by the Green LEEDers, Boise, ID (August 21, 2008).

Interview with Gavin Dahl, Boise Community Radio, 89.9FM, "No Time For Passive Lawmakers" (August 21, 2008).

Briefing to Idaho State Legislators and Community Leaders, Boise, ID (August 21, 2008).

"The Planet on Your Docket," Keynote Address, Montana Trial Lawyers Association, Flathead Lake, MT (August 7, 2008).

Interview with Viv Benton, The Good Life, Australia Radio (July 25, 2008).

"The Atmosphere and the Public Trust," Address to US Fish and Wildlife Service Supervisors Meeting, v-conference to Monterey, CA (June 24, 2008).

"Taking Back Tomorrow: Why Children Should Stand Up Against Global Warming," Address, Eugene Middle Schools, filmed by Art for the Sky,, Eugene, OR (June 6, 2008).

"United States v. Oregon: A Forty Year Retrospective," Keynote Address, Portland, OR (May 28-29, 2008).

"Saved by the Salmon," Sammy Awards, Vancouver, WA (May 15, 2008).To read Rebecca Biddle Wood Hardesty and Mary Christina Wood's biographies, Click Here.

"Nature's Trust: A Global Paradigm for Managing Natural Resources," Address, Lane Community College, Eugene, OR (May 5, 2008).

"Tribes as Trustees: The Emerging Role in the Global Conservation Trust Movement," Panel Presentation, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, OR (March 8, 2008).

"Using the Energy of the Law to Change the Energy of the World," Panel Presentation, US-UK Video-linked Panel, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, OR (March 7, 2008).

"Building a Better Atmosphere: Legislative & Agency Responses to Global Warming," Panel Presentation, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, OR (March 7, 2008).

"Culvert Case: Implications for the Future," Panel Presentation, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, OR (March 7, 2008).

"Public Trust: Tapping the Potential of the Common Law Trust," Panel Presentation, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, Eugene, OR (March 6, 2008).Public Trust Panel Press Release

Workshop Moderator, Atmospheric Trust Litigation, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (March 6, 2008).

Interview with Andrew Bartholomew and Claude Offenbacher, Sunday at Noon, KLCC, Eugene, Oregon (February 17, 2008).

"Aspiring Towards Global Peace Through Nature's Trust Principles," Lane Peace Center's Peace and Democracy Conference, Lane Community College, Eugene, OR (February 29, 2008).

"Nature's Trust: A Legal Paradigm for Protecting Land and Natural Resources for Future Generations," Keynote Address, The Triumph or Tragedy of the Commons, The Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR (February 28, 2008).

"Law and Climate Change: Government's Atmospheric Trust Responsibility," Keynote Address, Video-conference, University of Montana, Missoula, MT (February 19, 2008); Keynote Address aired on Missoula Community Access Television, Channel 7 in Missoula and 8 in Grant Creek, (March 12 & 14, 2008).

Metcalf, Peter, "Law Professor Says Government Obligated to Curb Climate Change," New West.Net: The Voice of the Rocky Mountains (February 20, 2008).

"Victory Speakers for Climate Crisis: Voicing Government's Obligation," Keynote Address, Eugene City Public Library, Eugene, OR (February 17, 2008). To read an abstract of this speech, click here.

"Advancing Climate Solutions in Business, Law, Design, and Public Health: How You Can Do Activism in Your Career," Panel Presentation, Cascade Power Shift, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (February 9, 2008).

"C.E.S. Wood Documentary Premiere-Remarks," Address, Premiere of the PBS documentary, "C.E.S. Wood" (February 7, 2008).

"Nature's Trust: A Legal, Economic, Political and Moral Frame for Global Warming," Keynote Address, American Fisheries Society, Idaho chapter, annual meeting (February 5, 2008).

"Remarks at the Unveiling of the Portrait of Chief Joseph," Address, Unveiling of Chief Joseph, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, OR (February 1, 2008).

Global Warming Focus Group, McCall, Idaho (January 3, 2008).McCall Climate Focus Group Outline

"The Draft No One is Telling You About: Global Warming and Your Future," Address to McCall-Don

Nelly High School and Elementary School Environmental Sciences Classes, McCall, Idaho (December 2007).Global Warming and Your Future Powerpoint Presentation (also as PDF)Dear People of McCall: A Letter From a Middle School Student

Team Up to Tackle Climate Change, Motivational Speech, Step It Up 2007 Global Warming Rally, Eugene, Oregon (November 3, 2007), available at Step It Up 2007.

"Government's Atmospheric Trust Responsibility," Keynote Address, J.E.L.L. Climate Change Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (October 19, 2007).

"EPA's Protection of Tribal Harvests: Braiding the Agency's Mission," Keynote Address, Native Environmental Sovereignty Project: Annual Rennard Strickland Lecture Series, Many Nations Longhouse, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (September 21, 2007).

"Courts as Guardians of the Global Trust," Keynote Address, "Earth on Fire," A Series of Fireside Conversations on Global Warming, Many Nations Long House, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (August 29, 2007).

"Nature's Trust: A Legal, Economic, Political and Moral Frame for Global Warming," Keynote Address, Southwest Renewable Energy Conference, Boulder, CO (August 1, 2007).

Speaker, Trust Responsibility Doctrine, Fundamentals of Indian and Tribal Sovereignty: Warm Springs Tribal Council and Committees, Many Nations Longhouse, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (September 14, 2007).

Interviews with Jason Gallic, Climate Crisis Questions and Answers, Extreme Arts and Sciences, Eugene, Oregon (June 6, 2007).

Speaker, Tribes as Trustees Again, Wayne Morse Center Symposium, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (April 6, 2007).

Interview with Carla Castano, KVAL, Eugene, Oregon (April 3, 2007).

Interview with Sari Gelzer and Kelpie Wilson, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (March 2, 2007).

Panelist, Emerging Issues in Conservation Easement Law & Practice, Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (March 2, 2007).

Interview with Brian Shaw, 1600 AM KOPT “Oregon’s Progressive Talk,” Eugene, Oregon (March 1, 2007).

Interview with Don Wimberley, KBSU, Boise, Idaho (January 22, 2007).

Interview with KTRV-TV, Boise, Idaho (January 22, 2007).

"Nature's Trust and An Ecological Future," Keynote Address, Central Oregon LandWatch, Bend, OR (June 16, 2007).

"Fiddling While Earth Burns?: Your Government's Role in Global Warming," Teach-In with Peter Walker, Climate Change Course, Environmental Studies Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (June 7, 2007).

"Government and Climate Crisis: Discretion or Obligation?," Keynote Address, Eugene City Club, Eugene, OR (May 4, 2007).

"Nature's Trust: A Legal, Political and Moral Frame for Global Warming," Keynote Address sponsored by Clark College, Friends of Clark County and Sierra Club, Vancouver, WA (April 21, 2007).

"Business As Usual or Leading a New World? — Your Role in Global Warming," University Earth Day Address, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (April 18, 2007).

Global Warming Forum re Mass v. EPA, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, OR (April 9, 2007). Professor Wood's trust framework is featured in this article.

“The ESA, Salmon and the Federal Columbia River Power System: Can they Co-Exist?” Panel Presentation, Remembering Celilo: Indian Fishing and the Columbia River, Portland, OR (March 8-9, 2007).

"Nature's Trust: A Legal, Political and Moral Frame for Global Warming," Keynote Address, 25th Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, OR (March 2, 2007).

"The Public Trust Doctrine & Climate Change," Pacific Waterkeepers Regional Meeting, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, OR (March 1, 2007).

Presentation by Prof. Mary Wood Legislative Briefing to Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee on Global Warming, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, OR (February 16, 2007).

"Nature's Trust: A Legal, Political and Moral Frame for Global Warming," Address, Frank Church Conference, Boise, Idaho (Jan. 22, 2007).

"Nature's Trust and An Ecological Future," public address for McCall Arts and Humanities Council (dedicated to Nell Tobias), McCall, Idaho (Jan. 10, 2007).

"The Draft No One is Telling You About: Global Warming and Your Future," Address to McCall-Donnelly High School Environmental Sciences Classes, McCall, Idaho (Jan. 4 & 5, 2007).

Welcome Address, Third Annual Northwest Tribal Water Rights Conference, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon (October 27, 2006).

Interview with Tripp Sommer, KLCC, Eugene, Oregon (October 17, 2006).

Interview, with Jeff Golden Jefferson Exchange Radio Program with Jeff Golden, KRVM, Eugene, Oregon (September 21, 2006).

"Nature's Trust: Reclaiming Environmental Discourse," Keynote Address, Oregon Bioneers Conference, Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon (Oct. 20, 2006).

"EPA's Protection of Tribal Harvests: Braiding the Agency's Mission," Keynote Address at EPA Region 10-Tribal Leaders Summit, Umatilla Indian Reservation, Pendleton, Oregon (Aug. 22, 2006).

"Origins and Development of the Trust Responsibility: Paternalism or Protection?" Federal Bar Association Indian Law Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico (Apr. 10, 2003).