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Items of Interest



  • Sprache des Dramas - Drama der Sprache: Nelly Sachs' Poetik. Tuebingen: Niemeyer 1997.     
  • Poetische Dialoge zu Liebe, Gender und Sex im frühen zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2014.


Articles: See CV



Ostmeier about her love for teaching: A Journalism student’s perspective, Nov 2020:

"The future lies with young people. And if I can contribute to the vibrancy of young minds — I think I serve this society and this world in a way which I like: setting seeds for the future."

"There is a creative power in everyone. And if people find the right conversations, they can bring about change. "


Project 1: Fairy tales, fantasy, and the uncanny, invited/collaboration with the Office of International Affairs, University of Oregon, Spring 2016

Project 2: Research Profile Video:  Click here to view

Project 3: Fairy Tale Video: This video explores the world of fantasy and its relation to both national literature and postmodern popular culture. Click here to watch!

Project 4: Cascade story

Project 5: Babel German Sail Camp

Project 6: Diversity, STEM Education, Outreach and Global Engagement Initiatives

Project 7: FIG Promotion video, invited by First Year Programs (2017)

Project 8: SAIL Spirit Challenge, invited collaboration, (2016)

Project 9:
"The Masses" (see attached files at bottom), student-produced newspaper as a part of the "Reacting to the Past" course (CAS 101)
Watch "Reacting to the Past" video trailer for HIST 221

Project 10:

  • Organization of SAIL Presentation Broadcast, 11/25/2020: “Suffrage, Labor, and The New Woman: Greenwich Village 1913.”  Introduction to the UO's "Reacting to the Past" course and FIG (Freshman Interest Group).
  • Presenters: Faculty (Dorothee Ostmeier (Prof. Moderator), Matthias Vogel (Faculty in Residence, Global Scholars Hall, FIG instructor), Kevin Hatfield (Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Research, Director of Center for Undergraduate Research and Engagement) and HIST 411 Students.

Watch "Storytelling Cafe" with German Fairy Tales class, June 2021
University of Zurich: Guest lecture and workshop "Cynism: Sloterdijk, Foucault and Literary Culture", September 20, 2019
Watch “Fun with German” internship at Edison Elementary School
Click here to visit the healing arts website.
Read an article about Prof. Ostmeier.
Read stories written by students in Prof. Ostmeier's German Fairy Tale class.
Deutsch in der Oberflaechenanalytik:
Spirit Challenge Video
Student project in the context of teaching with digital media
Visit Professor Ostmeier's fairy tales website: click here!


The Masses 1913(2) (1).pdf1.35 MB
THE MASSES-2020.Edition.pdf4.98 MB