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"Creative Is Not Always Lucrative: How Grassroots Film Communities Defy the 'Creativisation of Culture' in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia." Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies (March 2023), co-authored with Frans Ari Prasetyo.

Film Style, Production Design, and the Politics of Interracial-Interfaith Relationship in Yasmin Ahmad’s Chocolate (2009).” Short Film Studies Journal, 12:2 (2022): 193-2014. 

“The Video Compact Disc and the Digital Preservation of Indonesian Cinema.” In Exposing the Film Apparatus: The Film Archive as a Research Laboratory, ed. Giovanna Fossati & Annie van den Oever) Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016): 141-150.

“Syndromes of Indirect Communication: A Functional Analysis of the Static Long-take Technique in Apichatpong Weerasethakul's Feature Films.” Asian Cinema, 26: 2 (2015): 205-222.

“Review: Workshop on Indonesian Cinema, Royal Asiatic Society, The Centre for South East Asian Studies at SOAS, University of London, 17-18 October, 2013.” Asian Cinema, 25:1 (2013): 103-108.

“A Historical Poetics of Independent Fiction Films from Southeast Asia: Toward A Multidisciplinary, Objects-centered and Historically Sensitive Southeast Asian Film Scholarship.” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, “Transformations, Development and Culture in Asia: Multidisciplinary Perspectives,” March 8-9, 2013. Hong Kong, China: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.