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American Philosophy from Wounded Knee to the Present, co-authored with Erin McKenna, University of Oregon.  Bloomsbury Press (2015), ), second revised edition forthcoming.
Logic: Inquiry, Argument and Order. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing (2010).
Native Pragmatism.  Indiana University Press (2002).
Edited Volumes
Race Questions, Provincialism, and Other American Problems, by Josiah Royce, expanded edition.  Co-edited with introductions by Scott L. Pratt and Shannon Sullivan.  Fordham University Press (2009).
Jimmy Buffett and Philosophy.  Co-edited with Erin McKenna. Open Court Press (2009).
The Philosophical Writings of Cadwallader Colden.  Co-edited with John Ryder.  Humanity Books (2002).
American Philosophy: An Anthology.  Co-edited with Leonard Harris and Anne Waters.  Blackwell Publishing (2002).
Books in Progress
Posthuman Empiricism: Agency, Ethics, and Politics in Social Inquiry, co-authored with Jerry Rosiek. Under contract, manuscript delivery December 2022. Routledge Press.
Against Critical Reason. (Manuscript in Progress)
Selected Refereed Articles
The Logic of Posthuman Inquiry: Affirmative Politics, Validity, and Futurities. Co-authored with Jerry Rosiek. Qualitative Inquiry, forthcoming.
(Mis)Trust and Pragmatism as Grounded Normativity. Recipient of the 2022 Inter-American Philosophy Prize. Inter-American Journal of Philosophy. Forthcoming.
Lessons in Place: Thoreau and Indigenous Philosophy. “Lessons in place: Thoreau and Indigenous philosophy.” Metaphilosophy 53: 371–384, 2022.  
Agency and Sovereignty in American Indian Philosophy. Pragmatism Today, Volume 10, 2, Winter 2019, 16-23.
The New Materialisms and Indigenous Theories of Non-Human Agency: The Promise and Necessity of Respectful Anti-Colonial Engagement, co-authored with Jerry Rosiek and Jimmy Snyder. Qualitative Inquiry, 2-27-2019,
Imperial Irony: Rorty, Richard Henry Pratt and the American Indian Genocide. Pragmatism Today, 7 (2) Winter 2016. 
Geography, History and the Aims of Education: The Possibility of Multiculturalism in Democracy and Education.  Educational Theory, 66, 1-2, April 2016.
Indigenous Agencies and The Pluralism of Empire.  Philosophical Topics, 41, 2, Fall 2013 [Summer 2015] Envisioning Plurality: Feminist Perspectives on Pluralism in Ethics, Politics, and Social Theory, Edited by Jean Keller and Bonnie Mann.
Jane Addams as a Resource for Developing a Reflexively Realist Social Science Practice, Qualitative Inquiry, co-authored with Jerry Rosiek, 19, 8, October 2013 pp. 578 - 589.
“All Our Puzzles Will Disappear”: Royce and the Possibility of Error, Cognitio: Revista de Filosofia, 11, 2, (July – December, 2010).
Opera as Experience.  Journal of Aesthetic Education, 43, 4, Winter 2009.
The Experience of Pluralism.  Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 21, 2, 2007, 106-114. Translated by Boris Betancourt Kamenetskaia as La experiencia del pluralism, Andamios: Revista de Investigacion Social 16(40):167
“New Continents”: The Future of Royce’s Logic.  History and Philosophy of Logic, 28, 2 (2007), 133-150.
Persons in Place: The Agent Ontology of Vine Deloria, Jr.  APA Newsletter on American Indians in Philosophy, 6, 1 (2006), 4-9.
Selected Invited Papers, Chapters in Anthologies, and Special Issues
Ontologies of Possibility and Loss in Posthumanist Inquiry: Lessons from the Study of Systemic Racism. Co-authored with Jerry Rosiek. In Post-Foundational Approaches to Inquiry edited by Lisa Mazzei, forthcoming.
Vital Lies and the Fate of Democracy. In The Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams. Patricia M. Shields, Maurice Hamington, Joseph Soeters, eds. Oxford UP, 2022.  
Why Metaphysics? Mary Whiton Calkins as a Pragmatist Feminist. In Pragmatist Feminism and the Work of Charlene Haddock Seigfried. Lee McBride III, Erin McKenna, eds. Bloomsbury Press, 2022.
Decolonizing Natural Logic. In Logical skills, Social Historical Perspectives, edited by Julie Brumberg and Claude Rosental. Studies in Universal Logic, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2021).
The Relevance of Jane Addams’s Democracy and Social Ethics. The Pluralist, 16, 1 (2021), 128-136.
Spirits and the Limits of Pragmatist: A Response to “Against Discursive Colonialism.” The Pluralist, 16, 1 (2021), 75-83.
To Survive Pandemics, Look to Indigenous Life. Dewey Studies, Vol. 4, 1, 2020, 165-173.
The Edges of Resistance. Pragmatism Today, Vol. 11, 2, (2020), pp. 55-64.
Kathleen Wallace and The Network Self. Metaphilosophy, 51, 5 (2020).
The Aesthetics of Rehearsal. Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience. Edited by Patricia L. Maarhuis and A.G. Rud. Brill. (2020).
“So much has been destroyed”: Genocide and American Philosophy. The Pluralist, Volume 14, Number 1, Spring 2019, pp. 1-20. 
The Metaphysics of Toleration in American Indian Philosophy. In Toleration in Comparative Perspective, edited by Vicki Spencer. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books (2018).
Philosophy and the Mirror of Culture: On the Future and Function of Dewey Scholarship. Co-authored with Erin McKenna. In The Oxford Handbook of John Dewey, edited by Steven Fesmire. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2017, 2019). 
Boundaries as limits and possibilities. John Dewey’s Democracy and Education: A Centennial Handbook. Leonard Waks and Andrea English, editors. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Race, Culture, and Pluralism: Royce’s Logical “Primitives.” In The Relevance of Royce, Kelly A. Parker and Jason Bell, editors.  Fordham University Press, 2014, 132-150.
American Power, Foucault Studies, No. 11, pp. 76-91, February 2011.
Creation and Liberation: The Ontology of American Indian Origins.  In Routledge Companion to Science and Religion, James Haag and Michael Spezio, editors.  Routledge, 2011.
Border Agents and Boundary Identities.  Central European Pragmatist Forum, Volume 5, Identity and Social Transformation.  John Ryder and Emil Visnovsky, editors. Rodopi, 2011, 103-116. 
The Politics of Disjunction.  Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society, 46, 2, Spring 2011, pp. 202-220.
Fly-Fishing and the Ecology of Music.  In Jimmy Buffett and Philosophy.  Co-edited with Erin McKenna. Open Court Press (2009).