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Research Interests

Ÿrights claiming (human, indigenous, women’s)

Ÿintersectional analysis: gender; race, ethnicity, class

Ÿautonomy, nationalism, and globalization

Ÿtestimony, time, social and historical memory

Ÿcultural and political relations of power

Ÿsocial movements

ŸMexican migration

ŸNative peoples and indigenous epistemologies

Ÿtransnational/transborder cultures, movements, communities

Ÿcollaborative research

ŸPrimary research carried out in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and the U.S.



social theory; ethnographic methods; ethics and epistemologies; immigration, race and gender; Latino history and ethnography, oral history and documentary film-making; anthropology of chocolate; indigenous peoples; Latin American Studies