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Tamara Lea Spira is a scholar of Latin American Studies, Comparative Ethnic Studies and Critical Race Feminist and Sexuality Studies. She obtained her PhD in the History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies Departments at UC Santa Cruz and was also UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Davis. She currently teaches in the Departments of Women's and Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies and Latin American Studies at the University of Oregon. She is also a Research Scholar at the Beatrice Bain Research Center at UC Berkeley, where she is coordinating the collective project, “Archiving 1960s and 1970s Third World and Anti-Colonial Feminist and Queer Transnational Solidarities" ( 


Dr. Spira’s writings can be found in journals including the “Neoliberalisms” and “Queer Futures” issues of the Radical History ReviewIdentitiesFeminist Theory (forthcoming), NACLA Journal of the AmericasThe International Journal of Feminist Politics and E-misférica. Her work has also been published in several anthologies, including Sustainable FeminismsTransnational Resistance and forthcoming collection on the transnational legacies of Audre Lorde. Spira is currently at work on two books: one on transnational queer and feminist memories of 1970s  anti-imperialist revolutions and the amnesias of neoliberalism (under revisions) and a second project on Palestinian and Jewish memory and shifting racial forms of Empire in post-dictatorial Chile and Argentina.


Dr. Spira's teaching is informed by her experience within various organizations and movements for justice, including the United Nations, the Astraea Lesbian Fund for Justice, Justice Now and the UC Berkeley Labor Center. She particularly enjoys working with the wonderful students here at the University of Oregon.
For more information on Prof. Spira's work and to read her writings, please see: