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2021 Outstanding Accomplishment NTTF Research Award, Office of Research and Innovation, University of Oregon.
2013 “A confidant support and problem solving model of divorced fathers’ parenting” (DeGarmo & Forgatch, 2012) published in American Journal of Community Psychology featured in Psychology Progress, Center for Top Research in Psychology, January 16, 2013
2012 “Patterns and predictors of growth in divorced fathers’ health status and substance use” (DeGarmo et al., 2011) published in American Journal of Men's Health featured in USA Today article “Being a dad could really alter men’s behaviors” June 14, 2012
2012 “Predictors of distinct trajectories of PTSD in Combat Exposed National Guard Soldiers” (Polusny et al., 2012). American Psychological Association, Division 18 Spotlight Award for Special Achievement for an exceptional presentation in the area of Public Service Psychology, August 2012
1993–1996 Family Risk and Resilience Postdoctoral Fellowship, funded by the Family Research Consortium of the National Institute on Mental Health
1993 Graduate Student of the Year, Department of Sociology, The University of Akron
1992–1993 Rogler Merit Assistantship, The University of Akron, annual award to outstanding doctoral student