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DeGarmo, D. S., De Anda, S., Cioffi, C. C., Tavalire, H. F., Searcy, J. A., Budd, E. L., McWhirter, E. H., Mauricio, A. M., Halverson, S., Beck, E. A., Fernandez, L., Curry, M. c., Ramírez, García, J., Cresko, W. A., & Leve, L. D. (2022). Effectiveness of a COVID-19 Testing Outreach Intervention for Latinx Communities: A Cluster Randomized Trial. JAMA network open, 5(6), e2216796-e2216796.

DeGarmo, D. S., Gewirtz, A. H., Li, L., Tavalire, H. F., & Cicchetti, D. (2022). The ADAPT Parenting Intervention Benefits Combat Exposed Fathers Genetically Susceptible to Problem Drinking. Prevention Science.

Metcalfe, R. E., Osa, M. L., Jones, J. A., & DeGarmo, D. S. (2022). Emotion regulation, coercive parenting, and child adjustment: A serial mediation clinical trial. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 10(3), 295-306.

Cioffi, C. C., & DeGarmo, D. S. (2021). Improving parenting practices among fathers who misuse opioids: Fathering Through Change intervention. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(2419).

Parra-Cardona, R., Fuentes-Balderrama, J., Vanderziel, A., Lopez-Zeron, G., Domenech Rodriguez, M. M., DeGarmo, D. S., & Anthony, J. C. (2021). A Culturally Adapted Parenting Intervention for Mexican-Origin Immigrant Families with Adolescents: Integrating Science, Culture, and a Focus on Immigration-Related Adversity. Prevention Science.

Cioffi, C. C., DeGarmo, D. S., & Jones, J. A. (2021). Participation in the Fathering Through Change intervention reduces substance use among divorced and separated fathers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 120.

Lindstrom, L., DeGarmo, D., Khurana, A., Hirano, K., & Leve, L. (2020). Paths 2 the Future: Evidence for the efficacy of a career development intervention for young women with disabilities. Exceptional Children, 87(1), 54-73.

DeGarmo, D. S., & Jones, J. A. (2019). Fathering Through Change (FTC) intervention for single fathers: Preventing coercive parenting and child problem behaviors. Developmental Psychopathology, 1-11.

Stormshak, E. A., DeGarmo, D. S., Chronister, K. M., Caruthers, A. S., Stapleton, J., & Falkenstein, C. A. (2019). The impact of substance use during middle school and young adulthood on parent-young adult relationships. Journal of Family Psychology, 33(7), 797-808.

DeGarmo, D. S., & Gewirtz, A. H. (2018). A recovery capital and stress-buffering model for post-deployed military parents. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(1832).

Full list of publications available at: ‪Dave DeGarmo - ‪Google Scholar