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David Markowitz is an Assistant Professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. He uses language data from natural repositories to make inferences about people, such as what they are thinking, feeling, and experiencing psychologically. A large part of his research focuses on how deception affects language, including how fraudulent scientists write their research papers compared to genuine scientists. His work has appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPNAS NexusJournal of CommunicationCommunication Research, Human Communication Research, and the Journal of Language and Social Psychology, and covered by outlets including Vice, Business Insider, Forbes, and NPR. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and his undergraduate and master's degrees from Cornell University.

For a full and updated list of publications, see his Google Scholar page and CV.

I am currently accepting new PhD students. Please contact me directly if you have any questions.

Please follow him online for reseach updates on Twitter: davidmmarkowitz.