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Dr. Tanner-Smith will be accepting new PhD students in both Counseling Psychology and Prevention Science for the 2025-2026 academic year. She encourages applications from those interested in evidence synthesis, quantitative methods, and/or school-based mental health or recovery supports.

Dr. Tanner-Smith is a Thomson Professor in the Counseling Psychology and Human Services Department, a research scientist at the Prevention Science Institute, and Executive Director of the HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice. Her Ph.D. is in sociology from Vanderbilt University with an emphasis on quantitative methods and statistics. She is an applied research methodologist with expertise in meta-analysis and research synthesis for evidence-based decision-making. Her scholarship focuses on the prevention and treatment of substance use, delinquency, mental health, and academic problems among youth. She was awarded the Nan Tobler Award from the Society for Prevention Research and the Robert Boruch Award from the Campbell Collaboration. Dr. Tanner-Smith currently serves on the editorial boards for Psychological Bulletin, Prevention Science, and Research Synthesis Methods.  Her research has been funded by numerous foundations, state, and federal agencies, including the Institute of Education Sciences, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institute of Justice, and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
I am committed to embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout my research, teaching, and service. My scholarship focuses on interrogating social structures—including policies and preventive interventions—that affect historically underrepresented or underserved youth populations. Most recently, my research has focused on identifying and advancing inclusive educational and juvenile justice practices to support youth and families affected by substance use and addiction. In the classroom, I use intentional course design to ensure that course materials, readings, and activities are structured to promote critical dialogues that challenge hegemonic ideologies. As an advisor, I adopt a coaching mentoring style that centers my advisee’s unique identities, experiences, and goals in their individualized professional development plan. Finally, I participate in a range of service activities for promoting equity and inclusivity both on and off campus, which has recently included assisting Lane County Public Health and Live Healthy Lane with health equity efforts in our community and working with the Friends of Lane County Recovery Schools nonprofit to open the first recovery high school in Lane County.

Meet Dr. Emily Tanner-Smith