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von Ravensberg, H., (2018) [in press]. Achieving Equity: A Formula that Works. American School Boards Journal. Educational and Community Supports. University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon.   

von Ravensberg, H. & Blakely, A. (2017). Guidance for States on ESSA State Plans: Aligning the School Climate Indicator and SW-PBIS. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports,

von Ravensberg, H. & Nese, R. (2016). Feature: Off-Campus Cyberbullying: Families Matter. Principal Leadership, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 40-43. May 2016.

von Ravensberg, H., & Blakely, A. (2015). When to Use Functional Behavioral Assessment? A State-by-State Analysis of the Law. Educational and Community Supports. University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon.  

von Ravensberg, H., & Blakely, A. (2014). When to Use Functional Behavioral Assessment? Best Practice vs. Legal Guidance. Educational and Community Supports. University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon.