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Lanie Millar is a comparative scholar of the Global South working in Spanish and Portuguese, with a particular focus on the Luso-African-Brazilian world and the Caribbean. Her research focuses on South-South comparison and transnational solidarity networks, drawing from literary and cultural studies, postcolonial studies, and theories of racialization. She is the author of Forms of Disappointment. Cuban and Angolan Narrative After the Cold War (SUNY Press, 2019), which argues that late 20th and early 21st century Cuban and Angolan novels enact a poetics of disappointment: narrative techniques which constitute a new formal and affective relationship to the histories of revolution shared across the South Atlantic. Research for this project was supported by the Kluge Center at the U.S. Library of Congress and the Luso-American Development Foundation/ Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo in Lisbon, Portugal. She was the editor of the issue "Cuba and the Global South" (The Global South 13.1, 2020). Her translation, together with Fabienne Moore, of essays by Angolan intellectual Mário Pinto de Andrade (1928-1990) on African liberation, national development, and Black cultural vindication is forthcoming from Polity Books. Her current book-in-progress, Gender and Empire in the Lusophone World, examines feminist solidarities and revolutionary masculinities in contemporary cultural memories of African empires in Angola, Brazil, and Mozambique.

Languages: Spanish and Portuguese.