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Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

  • “Listening to New China: The Art-Tune Records Company, Cultural Propaganda, and Music Transplantation in the Early Cold War Hong Kong (1950s-1960s).” China Perspectives, 2022 (131): 39-48.

Conference Organization

· Organizer and Committee Chair, UO EALL Annual Graduate Student Symposium, Eugene, Oregon (April 22, 2023)

· Co-organizer, “Staging Socialist Internationalism: New Roles for Audio and Visual Media in the CCP’s Global Propaganda Network (1940s-70s),” AAS Panel Session, Honolulu, Hawai’i (March 2022).

Conference Presentations

· “(De-)politicizing Shanhe and Fengwu of the Motherland: Landscape, Historical Sites, and Visual Tourism in the PRC-Hong Kong Coproduced Travel and Scenic Documentaries (1950-70s),” in 2023 UO EALL Graduate Student Symposium, Eugene, Oregon (April 22, 2023). 

· “‘Flying Swallows’ On and Off Stage: Socialist Zaji in Cold War Hong Kong and Beyond,” in 2023 Hawai‘i International Conference on Chinese Studies (HICCS), Center for Chinese Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (January 4-6, 2023).

· “Sounding Socialist China Abroad: The Politics of Folk Songs with ‘National Style’ in Cold War Hong Kong and Southeast Asia (1950s-70s),” in The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Department of Comparative Literature Graduate Workshop “Thinking China and Circulation” (October 20-22, 2022; virtual).

· “Chineseness as Self-Exhibition: Regional Landscape and Folklore in PRC-Hong Kong Coproduced Documentaries in the Cold War Era (1950s-70s).” Panel speech in Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Honolulu, USA (March 2022; virtual).

· Graduate Student Roundtable Presentation. “Building a Utopian Space: Amoy-dialect Cinema and Diaspora Experience in Post-war Hong Kong (Late 1950s-60s).” UCLA-NTNU Taiwan Studies Initiative Conference on Sinophone Studies (April 2019). The paper was also accepted by "Chinese Cinema in Global Context--Past and Present" Conference, University of Idaho (April 14-15, 2019). 

· “Listening to China: The Art-Tune Records Company, Commercialism and Propaganda in Cold War East Asia (1950-70s).” Panel speech in Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Denver, USA (March 2019). 


· Ben-Ami Scharfstein: Amoral Politics: The Persistent Truth of Machiavellism, Chinese translation. Nanjing University Press. March  2022. 

· Helen Sword: Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write, Chinese translation. Beijing: People’s Daily Press. November 2018.

Creative writing

· Short story: “Xin Jie” (“New Territories”), published in Renmin Wenxue (People’s Literature), April 2018. The story was also selected into Yanceng: 2018 Youth Literature, published by Renmin Literature Press, April 2019.